Single or Married, Here’s One Way to Change Your Community
Photo by Lauren Richmond
The world has changed in the last several months, and many of us are beginning to recognize we need to get involved. Instead of letting other people do all the work and just hoping for the best, we need to be on the front lines too.
For some of us, the thought of trying to transform a city, or even a community, seems overwhelming and frightening.
“That’s a huge job! What in the world could I do? I don’t think I could be in politics or city management. I don’t own a big company. I’m just an average, normal person.”
The truth is, changing the world doesn’t always look like going out and doing something “big.” Yes, some people are called to the “big” things, and they end up building massive organizations, businesses, churches, etc.
But many of us are called to “small” things: normal, everyday activities that delight the Father’s heart—and unexpectedly impact everyone around us.
In fact, if we want to change the world, there is one thing we can always do, no matter who we are.
Small Steps Are Surprisingly Powerful
Leon and I believe that God wants to change the world through marriages—sincere, godly, holy marriages that include Him and are led by Him. Whether or not you’re married right now doesn’t actually matter in this process, as you’ll see in a moment.
He and I are involved in a ministry called Transform Our World, which strongly believes in changing nations one small step at a time through the biblical idea of ekklesia, a Greek word that means “assembly.”
Jesus used this word about the church in Matthew 16:17–18:
Jesus replied, “You are favored and privileged Simeon, son of Jonah! For you didn’t discover this on your own, but my Father in heaven has supernaturally revealed it to you. I give you the name Peter, a stone. And this rock will be the bedrock foundation on which I will build my church—my legislative assembly, and the power of death will not be able to overpower it!” (TPT)
The “bedrock foundation” Jesus mentioned here is the revelation that He is Lord. He really is the Son of God.
According to Matthew 18:20, where two or three of us are gathered together, He is with us. That’s the simple definition of ekklesia: two or three are gathered together, and they have invited the Lord Jesus to be with them.
Two people
Inviting Jesus
When we make a habit of this simple practice in our relationships and marriages, things start to change all around us. We aren’t just two people anymore—we are three people, and the presence of God is a fire that awakens the sleeping hearts around us.
Where the Presence of the Lord Is
Anybody can do this. It isn’t hard. All you need is one other person and a short prayer of invitation.
If you’re married, that person can be your spouse. When Leon and I are together, this is a type of ekklesia. When our kids come home for a visit, that’s another ekklesia. When we go and visit our friends, that is an ekklesia because we’re inviting the presence of Jesus and gathering with other believers.
Anytime you get together with another brother or sister in the faith—a friend, roommate, boyfriend, girlfriend, fellow employee, classmate, etc.—and invite Jesus to be with you, the presence of the Lord is there.
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty [emancipation from bondage, true freedom]. (2 Cor. 3:17 AMP)
But Isn’t God with Us All the Time?
It’s true that God is always with us. We never need to doubt whether or not He’s here.
I will never [under any circumstances] desert you [nor give you up nor leave you without support, nor will I in any degree leave you helpless], nor will I forsake or let you down or relax My hold on you [assuredly not]! (Heb. 13:5 AMP)
However, the practice of inviting Him—of saying, “Jesus, I invite You to be with us in our home” or a similar prayer—carries great weight spiritually.
Dr. Ed Silvoso, cofounder of Transform Our World, invites people to open up the door of their house and say, “Jesus, come in. We invite You to live here.” This is a prophetic action—and I believe He loves it, because He loves being invited to be a part of our lives.
You don’t need to be married to carry God’s presence everywhere you go. We have testimonies of singles who are bringing this beautiful “gathering with God” to their work, college, dorm, apartment, and Bible study. They purposefully invite Him to be there with them, wherever they are.
Start Today
Start this habit in your single years and pray with a friend. When you get married, pray with your spouse and keep on believing that your household, wherever you “meet,” is a place where the presence of the Lord is.
O beloved child of God, He’s about to do something amazing!
Your heavenly Father loves you more than you realize. Other articles from Salomé Roat and Becoming the One:
For more information on sex, marriage, and finding the person who is right for you, get a copy of Becoming the One by Salomé Roat. Click here to learn more. The book is also available in Spanish.