Do Your Emotions Feel Out of Control? A 3-Day Healing Devotional
Photo by Jeremy Banks
Emotions are wonderful things, but they are sheep that need a shepherd. If left alone, they will run all over the hillside and get themselves in trouble. A shepherd can lead them where they need to go, take them along the best paths, and keep them safe from harm.
The “shepherd” of our emotions is faith. Emotions can’t always tell us what’s real—but faith can. Faith comes first, and emotions come second.
When our emotions are in charge, we start to say emotional things that don’t line up with God’s truth:
1. “God has forgotten me. My dreams aren’t important to Him.”
2. “My life is falling apart.”
3. “I’m worthless. My life is worthless. I can’t accomplish anything of value.”
But when faith is in charge, our emotions follow our faith, and we can say things that do line up with God’s truth:
1. “This is what God has said! He’s with me, and my dreams are so important to Him.”
2. “God is taking care of me, and I know everything is going to be okay.”
3. “God loves me more than I ever thought possible, and I know my life has meaning.”
Your faith is stronger than your emotions. When your faith in God is in charge, your emotions have a sure and steady Shepherd to lead them.
Here are three days of journaling activities to help you reconnect with the truth about God and yourself, so your emotions can follow your faith.
Journaling Day 1
When God says He’s with you, He means it.
The Lord is close to all who call on him,
yes, to all who call on him in truth. (Ps. 145:18 NLT)
If you are asking the Lord to help you, He is close by. He is close to you even if your emotions say He’s far away. Choose to believe that Psalm 145:18 is the absolute truth about you. Assume it is true, and tell your emotions to follow that truth.
If you’re having trouble believing Psalm 145:18, here are a few declarative statements that can help:
The Lord is with those who call on Him. I am calling on Him; therefore, He is with me.
He is with me when I can feel His closeness, and He is with me when I feel only fear and confusion. The truth is that He’s with me.
His closeness is a fact, not a possibility. It is something real and true and unshakable.
Journaling time: Ask the Lord to reveal what it “looks like” for Him to be with you. What does He want you to know about His closeness in your life? Pay attention to any pictures He shows you or impressions He gives you.
Journaling Day 2
When God says He loves you, He means it.
This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. (Ps. 118:24 TLB)
Be joyful always, pray at all times, be thankful in all circumstances. This is what God wants from you in your life in union with Christ Jesus. (1 Thes. 5:16–18 GNT)
Psalm 118:24 can be confusing sometimes. We might wonder, “What is the point of rejoicing in a day?”
But this verse becomes much clearer when we read it in light of His love. He loves us so much, and so faithfully, and so steadily—that our days become marvelous. We start to see them as opportunities to live with Him, be comforted by Him, experience His love firsthand, and see the mighty and amazing things He has in store for us. We can rejoice in the day when we are amazed at His love.
There is not one blade of grass, there is no color in this world that is not intended to make us rejoice. (John Calvin)
Journaling time: Ask the Lord to show you how much He loves you. Take note of anything He reveals to you. If you don’t sense anything right away, keep your eyes open as you go about your day. He often speaks through small things that happen around us or things we notice in our vicinity.
Journaling Day 3
When God says He treasures your love, He means it.
The Lord takes pleasure in those who fear him,
in those who hope in his steadfast love. (Ps. 147:11 ESV)
The Lord preserves all who love him. (Ps. 145:20 ESV)
Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him. (Ps. 91:14 NKJV)
Sometimes when we’re struggling, we can feel like our love isn’t “good enough” for God. We might not use these exact words, but in our hearts we say things like:
“I’m not good at this.”
“Everyone else is better at this than I am.”
“I’m failing in my relationship with God.”
“He’s disappointed in me.”
But you, dear child of God, are counted among those who love the Lord. Your love doesn’t need to be perfect in order for Him to delight in it and in you. He is a good Father who is pleased with childlike attempts and simple faith. When you tell Him you love Him, He knows.
Journaling time: Ask the Lord to show you how He feels about your love for Him. Keep in mind that when He speaks to you, you will feel hope and courage. His voice sounds like Philippians 4:8: whatever is true, honorable, excellent, etc. If you hear something that’s pretending to be God, it will make you feel the opposite of Philippians 4:8: afraid, discouraged, hopeless, etc.
As you go your way this week…
Hold tightly to the idea that God adores you. This single truth of the Lord can “shepherd” your emotions in all faithfulness.
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