2 Things to Remember If You’re Anxious About the Future
Photo by Annie Spratt
If you feel anxious about the future, here are two simple reminders that God is with you and He loves you.
1. God is standing with you. You are not alone.
In his unfailing love, my God will stand with me. (Ps. 59:10 NLT)
Pause for a moment and really consider what this verse means for you. What does God say to you about His love? What does He show your heart when you listen for Him?
Here are a few ideas to contemplate:
He is not far away from you. He is right here beside you.
His love for you is unfailing. It will not stop. It will not break. It will not fall apart.
Nothing you do could ever weaken His love for you, because it is unfailing.
You are standing next to the One who shakes the earth and causes the mountains to smoke. He is like rain (Ps. 68:8). He is like wind (John 3:8). He is like fire (Heb. 12:29), and He is standing with you.
He stands with you in love—not disappointment, not accusation, not condemnation. Just love.
Prayer points: Do you feel like God is standing with you? Or do you feel like you’re standing alone? If your heart is saying, “I don’t think God is with me,” ask the Holy Spirit to show you the truth. Be aware that His answer might come slowly, so keep your spiritual ears open this week as you listen for His voice.
2. Your mistakes and failings do not stop God’s affection for you. Not even a little bit. He is still here and He’s helping you.
If they stumble badly they will still survive,
for the Lord lifts them up with his hands. (Ps. 37:24 TPT)
Consider what Psalm 37:24 means for you, personally. Is it easy for you to believe the Lord loves you—even after you’ve messed up?
Here are a few things to consider as you meditate on this verse:
You don’t need to be afraid anymore; He isn’t going to let you go.
You don’t have to perform perfectly so He’ll accept you. This verse makes that abundantly clear.
You don’t have to worry about making mistakes.
You don’t have to live with the fear of falling or messing up.
You will always be able to grip the hand of the Lord. In fact, your grip might be tighter after a failure.
Prayer points: You are not outside the Lord’s hands. Many, many people wrestle with this concept and truly believe that God wants their behavior more than their hearts. But the heart is the precious thing to Him. Do you understand this? If you don’t, ask the Lord to show you how much He treasures your heart. Keep in mind He might be quite creative in how He answers this prayer.
What is God doing in your life? Let us know!
Please email us or leave a comment below, and let us know the amazing things God is doing and how He’s revealing His love to you.
You are not alone, beloved child of God. He has not let go of you, and He has good things in store for you! As 2021 rolls into 2022, you can fully, thoroughly, completely rest in His love and care. May the truth of Him comfort your heart and fill you with lion-like courage.
Does your heart need to remember who God is? Check out these other devotions:
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