Speaking Your Worship to the Lord
Photo by Eduardo Flores
When you tell the Lord what you love about Him, it’s a big deal.
Words spoken in worship aren’t just “words” the way the world understands them. Your relationship with God is the reason you’re here, and it’s the only thing you can take with you, from this life to the next. The words you speak in worship—even small, simple thoughts—carry great weight.
When you tell the Lord how you feel about Him, something happens and certain things change. You might not feel anything spiritually or be aware that something is different now, but worship isn’t “flat” or empty.
The Passion Translation says that worship is “lovely.” For worship to be lovely, it must be that something happens when a person worships, even if they aren’t aware of it.
It’s time to sing and shout for joy!
Go ahead, all you redeemed ones, do it!
Praise him with all you have,
for praise looks lovely on the lips of God’s devoted lovers. (Ps. 33:1 TPT)
Here are a few ways you can worship the Lord with your words this week. Feel free to take your time with them. You may want to break them up and do them on different days.
1. Tell the Lord what His faithfulness means to you.
For the word of the Lord holds true,
and we can trust everything he does. (Ps. 33:4 NLT)
Spend a few minutes thinking about Psalm 33:4. You may want to look it up in different translations and write down the version that speaks to you the most.
God always keeps His promises. In all things, His word holds true. What does that mean to you? How has He kept His promises in your life? Remember the good things He’s done for you and your family or friends—how does His faithfulness stir your heart?
Speak words of worship based on Psalm 33:4.
Be brave as you do this. Sometimes when we look at our hearts, we see only the ways we need to improve. Don’t allow worry or shame to influence this precious moment when you’re telling the Lord how much He matters to you. Just speak.
2. Tell the Lord what His love means to you.
The plan of the Lord stands forever,
The plans of His heart from generation to generation. (Ps. 33:11 NASB)
The eternal God is a hiding place,
And underneath are the everlasting arms. (Deut. 33:27 NASB)
The plans of His heart, from generation to generation. Nothing can defeat Him. Nothing can conquer Him. At the end of the day, all the plans of His enemies are worthless.
That is the God who loves you. You are one of the plans of His heart, and He has you safely tucked away inside Him.
Think about Psalm 33:11 and Deuteronomy 33:27. What do they mean to your heart? Speak words of worship based on those two verses.
3. Tell the Lord how your heart longs for Him.
Let me hear about your mercy in the morning,
because I trust you.
Let me know the way that I should go,
because I long for you. (Ps. 143:8 NOG)
Imagine what it would be like to sit in a quiet place and “hear” about the mercy of the Lord. What would His mercy sound like?
In this verse, the Hebrew word translated mercy can also mean “kindness, piety, reproof, beauty” (Strong’s Hebrew #2617). What would it be like to hear the Lord’s kindness? What would it be like to hear His beauty?
Think about the Lord’s beauty. Speak words of worship based on Psalm 143:8.
Does your heart need to remember who God is? Check out these other devotions:
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