The Lord Stands Guard over You (Prayers & Declarations)
Photo by Arleen Wiese
Is it easy for you to trust the Lord to keep you safe?
For those of us who deal with fear, trusting the Lord to take care of us is a big deal. It’s something we have to learn, and it can take a long time. Yet He is incredibly patient with us as we deal with our fears and try to fix our gaze on Him in trust.
Where do you have trouble trusting the Lord? In your relationship? At your job? With your health and physical body? With tormenting thoughts and fears?
Every time you decide to trust Him in that area instead of listening to fear, you honor Him and He loves it. He is the Guard of your life (Ps. 127:1), and you can trust Him to do His job well.
The Lord, Your Guard
Go over the following truths, and write down any that stand out to you. Listen for the Lord’s voice, and in those areas where you’re afraid, speak His truth out loud as a declaration. “This is what’s true in my life. I’m going to believe this.”
The Lord Is…
He’s your rear Guard (Isa. 52:12).
He’s your Deliverer (Ps. 116:4, 8).
He’s your strong tower (Pr. 18:10).
He’s your hope (Rom. 15:13).
He’s your refuge (Ps. 91:2).
He’s your hiding place in times of trouble (Ps. 32:7).
The Lord Does…
He goes with you (Deut. 31:6).
He goes before you (Deut. 31:8).
He’s holding your hand (Isa. 41:13).
He helps you (Isa. 41:13).
He protects you from the evil one (2 Thess. 3:3)
He wants to carry all your burdens (Ps. 55:22).
He takes your heartache and turns it into joy (Ps. 126:6).
He fights for you (1 John 2:1).
He claims you (Isa. 43:1).
He hides you until the danger has passed (Ps. 57:1).
The Lord Will Always Be…
He’s compassionate and gracious (Ps. 116:5).
He’s the One who loves you even at your worst (John 3:16).
He’s utterly thrilled with you (Zeph. 3:17).
He’s your Father who shows you compassion (Ps. 103:13).
He’s the One who longs for you (Hos. 11:8).
He’s the reason you get to be fearless (Isa. 43:1).
He’s the One who restores your soul (Ps. 23:3).
He’s the One who gives you courage (1 Sam. 30:6).
Before you go!
Sometimes we think that the Lord’s concern for us depends on whether or not we’re doing what He wants. If we make a mistake or a wrong decision, surely He just shakes His head and then leaves us to suffer the consequences of what we’ve done.
But the Lord is always a good Father. That’s who He is, and as a good Father, part of His job is to defend His children and keep them safe from their enemies. Whether those children are doing good things or bad things, His nature as a Father doesn’t change. We don’t have the power to “undo” who the Lord is.
The Lord chose YOU to be His child. It’s okay that you aren’t perfect yet. It’s okay that you’re still a work in progress. He knows your weak spots, faults, and shortcomings even better than you do, and He loves you anyway. That’s the beauty of His unconditional love.
You are wrapped up in His unfailing love for you. The unfailing love of a Father. The unfailing love of a fierce Warrior who knows how to keep you safe.
Don’t allow the enemy to tell you that because you have faults, you are somehow outside the Lord’s care. He’s still your Father, and He’s still coming to save you.
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For more information on sex, marriage, and finding the person who is right for you, get a copy of Becoming the One by Salomé Roat. Click here to learn more. The book is also available in Spanish.