“It’s Hard for Me to Trust God as I Date. What Can I Do?”
Photo by Alexy Almond
What do we think God is doing in 2023 with marriages?
We believe 2023 will be BETTER than 2022 for all of you. The Holy Spirit has been confirming to many of His people that breakthrough in the area of relationships and godly marriages will take place more than ever this year.
We encourage you to take some extra time—starting today, if you can—and meditate on the healthy, loving beliefs you want to develop this year, closing the door to any unhealthy beliefs you had in 2022.
If you lacked trust in 2022, like we talked about in this devotional, we pray that your heavenly Father would reveal to you all the wonderful things He has for you. Also, please know that Becoming the One is praying for you.
We bless you this New Year with the ability to understand how LOVED you are by God—and especially how faithful and trustworthy Jesus our Savior is!
We pray that you would be filled more than ever by God’s Spirit and that this new year would be truly amazing.
With all our love,
Leon, Salomé, and the BTO team
Are you struggling to trust God with your love life?
“I have trouble believing that God has good things in store for me. How do I know I won’t get hurt?”
“How do I know if God is really trustworthy?”
“What if He tells me to break up with this person? What if He wants me to be single?”
“What if all of this is a big mistake?”
If you’re having trouble trusting God with your dating life, here is one thing you can do to help calm your heart.
This week, let’s take one tiny verse out of the Bible and look at it in light of dating and marriage. This is a verse about conquering the land—it doesn’t mention dating. It doesn’t even mention marriage, but it does talk about what God is like in dangerous situations. And for many people, dating can feel like a dangerous situation!
Even a “random” verse from Scripture can reveal God’s truth and show us things we didn’t realize about Him and His loving assistance.
What does the Holy Spirit tell you about this verse?
Go to a quiet place by yourself, and read Joshua 1:5. Take your time with it, and really consider it in your heart. You may want to read it in a few different translations.
No one will be able to stand against you as long as you live. For I will be with you as I was with Moses. I will not fail you or abandon you. (NLT)
Ask yourself the following questions, and write down what you think is true. If you have questions about what you think you’ve heard from God, go to a godly mentor you trust and ask them what they think.
1. Expecting the Lord’s help
Are you expecting the Lord to help you as you date, or do you kind of expect that you’re on your own in this area? Why?
Do you expect Him to withhold the counsel you need?
Journal your thoughts, and include what you sense the Holy Spirit might be saying.
2. Being convinced that your love life is important to God
Is there any area of your love life where you feel like the Lord is falling short?
Is it difficult for you to believe He has someone in mind to be your spouse? Why or why not?
What do you sense the Holy Spirit is saying? Write it down.
3. Recognizing how strong the Lord is on your behalf
How strong is the Lord? Do you think your heart has an accurate view of His strength?
Do you feel like something is threatening you and your relationship? How might the truth of Joshua 1:5 apply to that obstacle?
Write down what your spirit is thinking about and anything else the Lord shows you.
4. Believing God is with you as you date
Do you feel like you are alone in any area of your love life? Why do you feel that way?
What does Joshua 1:5 say about solitude? Are you actually alone—or is the Lord with you?
Journal your ideas and impressions. Listen for the Holy Spirit’s voice.
Don’t be afraid to boldly declare God’s truth!
Because of Joshua 1:5 and many other verses, we know some things about God’s heart that are always true, no matter the context. How does Joshua 1:5 describe your love life? Ask the Holy Spirit to tell you more. Then, when you have an answer, don’t be afraid to boldly declare what God is doing for you.
Here are some conclusions you might come to as you meditate on Joshua 1:5:
“The Lord is with me as I date this person.”
“I am not alone as I figure this out and pray about the future.”
“God is helping me as I date.”
“He will not allow me to be defeated by my fears.”
“God will not fail me in this matter.”
“He will not abandon me. I don’t ever have to worry about being left alone.”
“He is with me as I take the land. Or in this case, as I conquer my fears and step into the good future He has planned for me.”
Child of God, may His truth light up your heart this week. You have so many reasons for joy, and He is with you as you leave your comfort zone behind, take risks, and get to know the person He has brought into your life.
Your heavenly Father loves you more than you realize! For more about His amazing, unending love, check out Becoming the One by Salomé Roat. Click here to learn more. The book is also available in Spanish.