Trusting the Lord with Your Future
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio
Do you feel anxious when you think about the future and what could happen?
Because of the state of the world, do you worry that your dreams of meeting the right person and getting married might be over?
Do you wonder how you’ll meet somebody at a time like this, when the world feels crazy and dangerous?
To have peace in today’s world, we need to keep our eyes on the Lord and trust what He says in His Word. That really is the answer, even if it seems too simple or maybe old fashioned.
God is still good (Ex. 34:6).
He is still kind (Rom. 2:4).
He is still gentle with those who don’t deserve it (John 8:2–11).
He is still abundant life that completely conquers the works of darkness (John 10:10; 1 John 3:8).
Good Reminders If You’re Afraid About the Future
If you feel uncertain about the future, here are a few prayer points loosely based on Psalm 119. These are simple thoughts you can read aloud every day this week. Pray about them as He leads you, and spend some time meditating on this beautiful Psalm.
In times of darkness, I am blessed as I walk in the ways of God (Ps. 119:1).
When I have the opportunity to fear, I keep His beautiful testimonies close to my heart (Ps. 119:2).
I want my life to line up with the fullness of His thoughts, His opinions, and His ways (Ps. 119:5).
When I see what He is doing on the earth and how He is moving to help people, I am glad (Ps. 119:7).
I seek Him with all my heart. He is my deepest desire (Ps. 119:10).
I have the strength to say “no” to darkness, because His Word fills my heart (Ps. 119:11).
When I am afraid, I treasure all the things He says (Ps. 119:11).
Every word He speaks is precious to me (Ps. 119:13).
When the enemy is working hard to deceive people, the story of God is the only story I want to be a part of (Ps. 119:14).
The stories of God delight me more than all the treasures of the world (Ps. 119:14).
The ways of God make my heart happy (Ps. 119:16).
In a time of shortages and price increases, He is treating me according to His generosity and abundance (Ps. 119:17).
His abundance keeps me alive (Ps. 119:17).
As I look to Him, He is opening my eyes to see amazing things in His Word (Ps. 119:18).
I could choose anything in the world, but I deeply long for Him (Ps. 119:20).
His stories teach me what to do and give me wise counsel in a time when the world desperately needs wisdom (Ps. 119:24).
I long for the ways of God, not the ways of the world (Ps. 119:29).
His faithfulness is changing my life (Ps. 119:30).
As fear tries to take people captive, He has set my heart free (Ps. 119:32).
Questions for Your Heart
As you go about your week, consider these questions:
Where do you need the Lord to reveal His truth to you?
Where do you need to remember He is good? Or kind? Or gentle? Or full of life for those trapped in darkness?
Where do you feel trapped in darkness? Do you understand that He is coming to save you? When you ask for His help, He will give it.
Your heavenly Father loves you more than you realize! For more about His amazing, unending love, check out Becoming the One by Salomé Roat. Click here to learn more. The book is also available in Spanish.
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