Learning to Love Yourself the Way He Does
Photo by Eric Nopanen
Sometimes God uses extravagant words to describe us and His love for us. These words often seem too extravagant—too big, too bold, too good—and we dismiss them or make excuses, because we don’t feel like they’re true.
“How could God say THAT about me?”
But, beloved child, He is saying that about you.
We look at ourselves and see one thing, but God looks at us and sees another. We write ourselves off as a lost cause, when He is saying:
“You are exactly what I want.”
“You are lovely to Me.”
“All My heart desires you. Without exception. My whole heart.”
“You are holy.”
“You are good.”
“When I look at you, I see greatness, not someone who is ruined.”
What? How can those things be true?
If you have trouble thinking God’s thoughts about yourself, go over the following points slowly. Meditate on them and ask Him about them. Write down what He tells you, and hold His answers close to your heart. You may also want to seek counsel from wise mothers and fathers in the faith, asking them what they say He thinks about you.
His Thoughts Toward You in Scripture
Here are just a few ways God expresses His thoughts and opinions about you in Scripture:
1. He finds you beautiful (Songs 4:7).
2. You utterly delight Him (Songs 7:6).
3. Your beauty deeply moves Him (Song 6:4–5).
4. You are “very good” (Gen. 1:27, 31).
5. You are the righteousness of God because of Jesus (2 Cor. 5:21).
6. You are holy and dearly loved (Col. 3:12).
Declarations for This Week
If you have no idea how to see yourself the way God does, practice renewing your mind to His truth. Start off by assuming the beautiful things He says in Scripture about His children are true about you. Don’t make excuses for why you’re the exception; just believe in a childlike way that they’re for you.
Next, speak the following declarations out loud. Do so multiple times a day for the next several days. Conclude in your mind and heart that these statements are true, and speak them out like they apply to you.
I am what God wants. I am the answer to the desire of His heart.
I am lovely. The Creator of all things looks at me and calls me beautiful, and it is true.
I am desirable, not despicable.
I am holy, not dirty.
I am very good, not shameful.
When God looks at me, He sees greatness and possibility.
I delight Him more than I think possible.
I am not cut off from Him. His purity and righteousness are my purity and righteousness.
My beauty deeply moves Him. He sees me—and He’s deeply moved.
Does your heart need to remember who God is? Check out these other devotions:
For more information on sex, marriage, and finding the person who is right for you, get a copy of Becoming the One by Salomé Roat. Click here to learn more. The book is also available in Spanish.