Becoming The One

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St. Valentine and the Beauty of Marriage

Marriage is one of the most important decisions we make in life. I firmly believe that if you want to get married one day, God probably gave you that desire because He wants to fulfill it. Marriage is His idea, and He loves bringing people together in amazing stories.

This week we celebrate a day named after a man who gave his life because he believed in marriage. St. Valentine performed wedding ceremonies for young people in a season when such marriages were illegal under Emperor Claudius. Valentine stood by his convictions and was eventually arrested and executed. Most people don’t know this story. They give chocolates and flowers and don’t realize the true depth of the day they are celebrating.

February 14 is a great opportunity to remember the importance of marriage and why the holy bond of matrimony is so important to our heavenly Father’s heart.

Why Do We Treat Marriage Loosely?

Leon and I feel very strongly that many young people these days don’t understand the true meaning of marriage, especially covenantal marriage. It feels like an anonymous edict has gone out into the world, pushing young people into believing it’s okay not to get married and that cohabitation is perfectly normal.  

Many believers have adopted the world’s way of thinking and assume that sleeping with the person they are dating is just as good as marriage or is a “step toward marriage,” but several studies reveal the opposite. Marriage leads to true commitment, love, intimacy, trust, and following God’s will. If people want to protect themselves and their futures, they need to understand what the Bible says about marriage and get married.

If we are humble and willing to believe what the Bible is telling us, we will find that God doesn’t want us to compromise in this area. We need to stand firm concerning what He says marriage is. He wants us to go back to His Word and proclaim the beauty of marriage, its purpose, and its strength.

A Wonderful Covenant

Given that so many young people don’t understand what marriage actually is—what is it?

Marriage is a divine covenant. Most people know the word covenant but are unsure of what it means. In the Bible, a covenant was an agreement or sacred oath between God and His people. Both in marriage and in Old Testament history, a covenant is the most sacred of all pledges and promises. Getting married is a big deal because it involves a spiritual covenant between you, your new spouse, and God Himself. There is authority in this covenant. Marriage carries a heavy weight in the spiritual realm. 

Marriage is the union of two imperfect people who need God’s help to succeed. He draws close to them in their marriage and helps them understand the meaning of pleasant sacrifice, something that isn’t overly difficult when you love someone, because you find joy in doing things that will bring you closer to that person and to God. Sacrifice becomes worth it.   

When we get married, we learn to love in a unique way meant only for the one person we call husband or wife. In marriage we learn to choose each other daily, to put each other first, and to give everything for the other person. We commit 100 percent to our spouse and do what we can to make sure the love we share keeps growing.

We learn daily to trust, honor, and respect our spouse and to become the best version of ourselves. We come to realize what it means to be “one flesh” with another person. We belong to each other, and together we belong to God—the One who made our love story happen.  

Looking to the Future

All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the Lord,
And all the families of the nations will bow down and worship before You,

For the kingship and the kingdom are the Lord’s
And He rules over the nations. (Ps. 22:27–28 AMP)

Personally, I believe the next generation is in the hands of men and women who understand and live in covenant with God and each other in marriage. They will be the ones raising children who love Him and fear Him and see marriage as truly holy. As these children grow up and get married themselves, they will treat marriage with the respect it deserves.

As you celebrate Valentine’s Day this week, take some time to remember you are celebrating a beautiful covenant God dreamed up. He created marriage, and He is the One who makes it work when you trust Him and invite Him to be a part of your married life. 

Does your heart long to see more godly marriages in your church, city, or nation? Join us online as we pray for marriages! Our next prayer time is March 4, 2024, at 8:00 p.m. (Pacific time). Click the button below to sign up!

Your heavenly Father loves you more than you realize! For more about His amazing, unending love, check out Becoming the One by Salomé Roat. Click here to learn more. The book is also available in Spanish.