Becoming The One

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The Game Changer in Your Dating Relationship

I recently met a beautiful young lady I will call Sierra. She heard about Becoming the One at a conference in Kansas City, where one of the speakers told her about my book. Sierra felt prompted to connect with us.

She told me an interesting story. She was engaged—until she read my book. 

I won’t go into all the details, but she essentially read the book and realized she didn’t have peace in her heart about marrying this man, because she wasn’t listening to the Lord’s voice about her engagement.

Dear child of God—His voice is the game changer in every relationship.

More than anything else, we need the voice of God. He’s the One who knows the other person’s heart and where they are spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. He knows how healed they are and where they still struggle.

We need Him to guide us when we’re dating, and we need to be open to His gentle, quiet whisper as He says, “My wonderful child, this is the way. If you trust Me in this, you will get the desires of your heart. Let Me lead you to the wonderful future I have for you.”

When Sierra read my mother’s testimony in Becoming the One, it deeply impacted her. Here’s an excerpt of my mother’s story: 

Being an affectionate daughter, Zayda went to her parents and asked for their approval. They adamantly refused. They actually got on their knees and begged her not to marry this man, but Zayda thought she was completely in love and decided to accept his marriage proposal anyway. She packed, left home, and two and a half short months after she met José, they married in a very lonely civil ceremony… 

It has taken many years for my mom to let go of the guilt of disobeying her parents and to begin to understand God was going to use all of this for good. She’s been a strong believer for the last thirty-two years, and she has told me there is nothing worse in life than going against the loving will of your parents. Many times she has regretted her decision, but she never regretted having her two most precious treasures: her children.

My friend Sierra realized she wasn’t honoring her parents in her relationship and, more so, that she wasn’t listening to God’s promptings. But she wanted His voice. Her heart was to listen to Him, which she learned to do through my mom’s story in my book.

Sierra bravely broke up with the man she was engaged to and got involved with Becoming the One. She’s growing in her identity, in knowing what she wants, and in being willing to wait for God’s best for her.  

I love hearing her updates about what God is saying to her—and that brings us to the main thing I want to address here:  

What is God saying to YOU about your dating life?  

  • How is He leading you?

  • What has He promised you?

  • Which verses in Scripture stand out to you?

Write all these things down and treasure them dearly, because God loves you and He is talking to you about your future.  

He wants to have a relationship with you where you spend time together, go through your day together, and talk to one another about important things and even the “not important” things. Real life and pure healing come out of your relationship with Him. 

My book turned three years old this week.

I am amazed at how Jesus is taking the message of becoming the one and sending it out to different places.

If you aren’t sure what God is saying to you about marriage, your heart, His sensitivity to your desires, how He treasures you—you may want to check out Becoming the One and see what happens. 


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