Becoming The One

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July Devotions: Your Trustworthy Shelter in Hard Times


He’s Your Shield

Psalm 18:30 (NASB)

As for God, His way is blameless;
The word of the Lord is tried;
He is a shield to all who take refuge in Him.

God’s voice is trustworthy. When He tells you something, you can believe Him. His Word is “tried and true,” as people say in the United States.

If you have trouble trusting Him and the good things He’s saying to you, pray about the following points:

  • Everything He does is good. This is true even when His actions don’t make sense right away.

  • You can take refuge in Him when you’re frightened.

  • He is your protection and shield.

Today’s prayer: Father, please help me to trust You today.

May your Monday be blessed, and may your heart find peace in God’s faithfulness.



He’s Your Protection

Psalm 18:30 (TPT)

What a God you are! Your path for me has been perfect!
All your promises have proven true.
What a secure shelter for all those
who turn to hide themselves in you!
You are the wrap-around God giving grace to me.

In The Passion Translation, the editors note that the Hebrew word used in Psalm 18:30 for “shield” means “to wrap around in protection.” So the TPT doesn’t actually use the word shield—it calls Him the “wrap-around God.”

Do you need God to “wrap around” you today? If you feel helpless or all alone, pray about the following points:

  • God is with you to protect you. 

  • He’s your good and faithful Father, who never leaves you alone. You will never have to stand all by yourself. 

  • Let Him prove Himself to you. Expect Him to be a secure shelter for you.

Today’s prayer: Father God, I trust You to take care of me today.

May your Tuesday be blessed, and may you know your Father’s gentle, fierce, loving care.



He’s Your Defender

Psalm 5:11 (NKJV)

But let all those rejoice who put their trust in You;
Let them ever shout for joy, because You defend them;
Let those also who love Your name
Be joyful in You.

When you put your trust in the Lord, something happens. You get to realize in a brand-new way that you are loved, He’s with you, and He’s protecting you. Joy gets to be your story! Why joy? Because you know now that you aren’t on your own—He’s the One who stands with you and defends you.

If you’re struggling to feel God’s closeness today, pray about the following points:

  • Those who trust in Him will never be ashamed.

  • Get ready to roar with joy—because He’s defending you!

  • When you love His name, you will discover hope and joy all over again.

Today’s prayer: Today, Father, I choose to set all my love on Your name.

May your Wednesday be blessed and full of JOY.



He’s Your Safe Place

John 10:29 (NIV)

My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand.

When you mess up, do you fear that you’ve somehow “ruined” your relationship with God? That’s a huge fear for some people—messing up so badly that God turns away from them. 

But that isn’t what He does. Even when you’re at your worst, the Lord wants you. With your heavenly Father, you are never beyond repair. He always loves you. He always can restore you.

If you worry that God might change His mind about you, pray about the following points:

  • No one can steal you or push you out of Your Father’s hand.

  • God’s heart is your forever home.

  • He is greater than all things.

  • He loves you more than you can understand.

Today’s prayer: Father God, please show me how safe I am in Your arms.

May your Thursday be blessed, and may you find rest in your Father’s love. 



He’s Your Heart

1 Thessalions. 5:15 (NASB)

See that no one repays another with evil for evil, but always seek after that which is good for one another and for all people.

The whole Bible, every part of it, is a description of God’s heart for you. So what the apostle Paul wrote in 1 Thessalonians 5:15 is how God Himself thinks about you. You don’t need to be afraid when you make a mistake—because He isn’t going to repay evil for evil. Instead, He always, constantly, without fail seeks your good. 

If you struggle to understand what God thinks about you, consider the following points:

  • He thinks about you in merciful ways and doesn’t repay you according to your sins.

  • He always seeks your good!

  • He always does what is good for you, your nation, and all people.

Today’s prayer: Father God, would You help me to see how much You really do love me, even when I fail?

May your Friday be blessed—and may your heart know how much your Father delights in you.



He’s Your Long-term Support

Ephesians 6:8 (NASB)

Knowing that whatever good thing each one does, this he will receive back from the Lord…

When you do “good things” for God—things that make you come alive, that fill you with joy, because you’re serving Him and not performing for Him—you get to receive back from the Lord those same good things. The special things you do for Him mean the world to His heart. 

If you feel unnoticed today or like the good things you’re doing don’t mean anything, pray about the following points: 

  • The Lord has “assigned” good things for you to do (Eph. 2:10).

  • No matter what your circumstances say, the Lord sees the sacrifices you’re making.

  • He treasures the time you spend with Him, even if it’s just a few moments.

  • You get to do good things because of joy and because they make you feel alive, not because you’re trying to win God’s love. You already have His love.

Today’s prayer: Father God, what do You want to give back to me? Would You help me to hear what You’re saying about this?

May your Saturday be blessed and your heart be alive.



He’s Your Strength

Nehemiah 8:10 (NLT)

Go and celebrate with a feast of rich foods and sweet drinks, and share gifts of food with people who have nothing prepared. This is a sacred day before our Lord. Don’t be dejected and sad, for the joy of the Lord is your strength! 

So many people just can’t imagine a God who is delighted. But that’s who He is, and that’s how He feels about YOU. 

If you have trouble accepting and trusting God’s delight in you, ask Him to show you how He really feels. Consider the following points:

  • You don’t have to pretend to be strong. You don’t have to have strength in anything other than God’s joy over you.

  • He gets to be your number-one focus in life—and He’s joyful.

  • You are incredibly strong because of Him.

  • He will show you what to fight for.

Today’s prayer: Father God, instead of relying on my own strength today, I want to rely on Yours.

May your Sunday be blessed, and may you realize how strong you are in God, because He Himself is your strength.


Interested in reading more about dating, relationships, and your walk with God? Here are a few articles on related topics:

For more information on sex, marriage, and finding the person who is right for you, get a copy of Becoming the One by Salomé Roat. Click here to learn more. You can also order the book in Spanish