Why Do You Want to Get Married?

I believe the reason that people want to get married is because they desire intimacy. We have been created for a relationship where our emotional needs will be met. Most pre-marrieds also desire to experience unconditional love, trust, and commitment. I believe we’ve been created to have this relationship with God first and second with our spouse. This is one of the reasons why God created marriage. He wants to give us a glimpse of what our relationship with Him ought to be. I believe we have been created for intimacy.

In a survey that I conducted among singles, married couples, divorced, and unmarried people, I found the need for commitment and intimacy to be among the top reasons why these groups wanted to get married. People shared that love and companionship, which leads to intimacy were the top reasons to get involved in a relationship. The top marriage quality among those surveyed was of course trust. It’s not too hard to understand why either. If you can’t trust someone, intimacy is not possible. After all, that is the way God created us. We are social beings willing to love, and we dream of being loved. God has put a deep desire in our hearts to be with someone and share our souls, our desires, our accomplishments, our sadness, our joys, and our dreams with that person. I believe that God has put love in all people, but a special kind for our spouse.

When God created the first man Adam, he knew that nothing else in the created world would bring the sense of satisfaction, love and fulfillment in the man until he made Eve. She was called the “suitable helper”. She was the one that could help Adam feel loved by God. Adam found in Eve his partner for life.

The truth is, most people have the desire to get married because they know that on their own they will miss a great part of what they can become. I'm sure you feel this way. You understand, like most people, that you are better with someone right next to you in the same house, in the same bed, loving and telling you how great God has made you and how you are loved. How awesome it is to find the person that will encourage you to be all that God designed for you to be.

I believe that marriage can symbolize what our relationship ought to be with God. We become one with God when we commit ourselves to Christ. Physically, when you consummate your marriage on your honeymoon, you become one with your husband or wife and your souls intermingle. Through the years, you grow closer to that special person as your friendship grows. In marriage, we get a glimpse of what our relationship with God will be in heaven. This is the great future that God has for us. He knows how to be the bridegroom and the husband, and he teaches us how to be the spotless bride.

“Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.” Ephesians 5:25-27