Becoming The One

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Merry Christmas from Salomé and Leon! Plus a Prophetic Word for 2020

Merry Christmas from our hearts to yours!

This year our family has seen the Lord’s love, mercy, favor, and the abundance found in His presence. That is His character—just what He’s like. He is a good and wonderful Father, the mighty Counselor, the Prince of Peace. We can expect Him to be Himself, unchanging, every day of our lives.

That doesn’t mean the year was easy—but it does mean we experienced the beauty of God’s joy in times of trouble.

For me, one of the greatest highlights this year was seeing my dad get baptized in water and filled with the Holy Spirit at age 88. He passed away a few days ago on December 20, and now he knows, face to face, the One you and I are waiting to see.

God’s hand is protective toward those who love Him and wait for Him. 

Leon and I are thankful when we think of you and what God is doing through Becoming the One. We can’t stop thanking Him for each life restored, every heart healed, every person who becomes more aware of their true identity in Christ.

The emotional health God offers His children is amazing, possible—and necessary. As we become emotionally healthy, the world opens up. Not only are we blessed on a personal level, but our health also blesses our spouses and goes on to impact the world around us, bringing glory to our heavenly Father.

When we turn to God for healing instead of nursing our wounds, amazing things can happen.

We’re in awe of what the Holy Spirit is doing in so many of our people. Some of you are starting to date, some are engaged now, and some have gotten married—and we know your marriages will shine.

Why are we so confident about the future?

Because we know the Savior is at the center of your unions!

Here’s what we feel God is saying about 2020:

Leon and I feel this coming year will be a time of many choices and, through them, you’ll have what God intended for you.

Jesus came to give you everything in abundance: love, joy, peace, and His favor. He really wants you to have more than you expect—life in its fullness, until it overflows:

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. (John 10:10 NIV)

This coming year, choose to abide in Jesus.

Choose to remain in His presence, His goodness, and His love. Choose to listen to His heart for you and for other people. He is truly the gateway, and those who enter through Him will experience life, freedom, and satisfaction. Choose Him every morning and every night—He will not disappoint you.

May 2020 be a year of total fulfillment and abundance found in the love of our Savior. May you become the one for your future spouse, and may the desire for Jesus fill you more and more every day.

Merry Christmas, beloved friends!

Interested in reading more about dating, relationships, and your walk with God? Here are a few articles on related topics:

For more information on sex, marriage, and finding the person who is right for you, get a copy of Becoming the One by Salomé Roat. Click here to learn more.

You can also order the book in Spanish.