3 Things to Remember When the World Is Shaking
Photo by Josh Boot
When the world seems dark, we don’t have to be afraid. Why not? Because the Lord is with us.
That statement can feel so simple that it’s easy to brush it off and not pay attention to it. But instead of dismissing it, let’s really think about it. Let’s take it seriously as truth in this season. He’s with us…so we don’t need to fear.
Here are three things to think about this week when you have the opportunity to be afraid.
1. In times of darkness, the light of God remains powerful.
You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! (Isa. 26:3 NLT)
Arise, shine; for your light has come,
And the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.
For behold, darkness will cover the earth
And deep darkness the peoples;
But the Lord will rise upon you
And His glory will appear upon you. (Isa. 60:1–2 NASB)
When the world is shaking, peace can feel slippery—but it will stop feeling slippery when you keep your thoughts on the Lord. He is a bright light in times of darkness. You can expect Him to be that kind of light—for you, for your family, for your nation—no matter what.
Prayer: Father, I need Your peace. Please help me to keep my thoughts focused on You and to see You as you really are.
Journaling questions: In this season, do you feel like you carry the Lord’s glory? If you do, why do you feel that way? If you don’t feel that way, why not? What do you think He’s saying to you about who you really are?
2. In times of darkness, the Lord brings His love and redemption.
But those who wish to boast
should boast in this alone:
that they truly know me and understand that I am the Lord
who demonstrates unfailing love
and who brings justice and righteousness to the earth,
and that I delight in these things.
I, the Lord, have spoken! (Jer. 9:24 NLT)
I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance. (Luke 15:7 NKJV)
The Lord has likes and dislikes, things He wants and things He doesn’t want. He longs to be known “truly.” He is full of justice. He is full of righteousness. He loves redemption, and all of heaven rejoices as His redemption happens in a person’s life, in a church, in a city, in a nation.
Prayer: Father, please help me to understand Your love for me. Teach me who I am in You, and tell me about Your delight in me.
Journaling questions: Jeremiah 9:24 says that God demonstrates His love. What are some of the “signs” of His love in your life? What do you think He’s saying to you about His love right now?
3. In times of darkness, the Savior comes.
The land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali,
By the way of the sea, on the other side of the Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles—
The people who were sitting in darkness saw a great Light,
And those who were sitting in the land and shadow of death,
Upon them a Light dawned. (Matt. 4:15–16 NASB)
“Lord, help!” they cried in their trouble,
and he saved them from their distress. (Ps. 107:13 NLT)
The heart of darkness, its nature, is the opposite of life. Darkness will tell you there is no hope.
But when times are dark, when you are struggling with hopelessness, you can look to see your Savior. He’s coming. He’s going to change everything. Because you have a Savior, this means you have hope and the fear is lying. You do not need to believe the fear when it tries to speak to you. Times are changing—because you have a Savior and He will act according to His name.
Prayer: Father God, I choose to place my gaze on You. Instead of listening to fear, discouragement, or bad reports, I declare that the Lord is my great Light.
Journaling questions: Think of one thing the Bible says about who God is. Why does this truth matter to your heart? What does this truth tell you about God? Ask the Holy Spirit to show you more, and journal what He says.
God, the Rock
There’s a reason the Bible repeatedly describes God as the Rock. Isaiah calls Him the “Rock eternal.” The Rock who, for all of time, will remain the Rock. Unbroken. Unshaken.
Trust in the Lord forever,
for the Lord, the Lord himself, is the Rock eternal. (Isa. 26:4 NIV)
Because you are a child of God, Isaiah 26:4 is a description of your life. It isn’t that nothing bad will ever happen…but no matter what happens, you will have the Rock. As you choose to trust the Lord, you will experience His faithful steadiness in your life.