Are You Struggling to Trust God’s Timing? Keep Reading…
Photo by Adam Kring
What has God promised you that hasn’t come to pass yet?
Maybe it’s your husband or wife. Maybe it’s a better job, a better living situation, or a big step forward in your destiny—that special moment when you finally get to see your dreams take off.
The promises of God follow the timing of God, and that’s where some of us have trouble because timing is “different” with Him. He’s outside of time, so He has a unique way of viewing time. That way is not human.
God can even CHANGE time, as we see in Scripture:
He made the shadow go back the way it came: Isaiah 38:8.
God paused the rotation of the earth and moon so Israel could do what He’d told them to do: Joshua 10:12–13.
If you’ve been struggling to trust God with a promise that hasn’t come to pass yet, you may want to look up both of those stories, and see if the Holy Spirit speaks to you through them.
If God can do THAT—if He can even change time—is there any reason for you to be worried about the timing of His promise? If He made you a promise, it will come in time.
He is the Master of Time. Just as the wind and waves follow His commands, so does time. Time does His bidding. You can trust Him and His calendar completely.
Not only does He command time, but He’s the God who saves the best for LAST. That is, for those who have waited.
He called the bridegroom over and said to him, “Every host serves his best wine first until everyone has had a cup or two, then he serves the wine of poor quality. But you, my friend, you’ve reserved the most exquisite wine until now!” (John 2:10 TPT)
When God asks us to wait for something, He is asking us to trust Him to give us the best. Not just something “good,” but as The Passion Translation puts it: “the most exquisite.”
In every case, including yours, the Lord knows what He’s doing with time. He is a good Father, and He has not forgotten you.
He changes times and seasons;
he deposes kings and raises up others.
He gives wisdom to the wise
and knowledge to the discerning. (Dan. 2:21 NIV)
Journaling idea: Think of a promise the Lord has made you. Write it down and ask Him how Daniel 2:21 applies to that specific promise. What is He saying? What does He want you to know? Give Him any anxiety you feel about the promise and His timing.
Prophetic activity: Hold your alarm clock in your hand. If you don’t have an actual alarm clock, use something similar like your phone or watch. You could even use your calendar or day planner. With that object in your hand, tell God that you trust Him and you trust His timing. Ask Him to speak to your heart and tell you more about what He’s doing.
Your heavenly Father loves you more than you know! Check out these other devotions:
For more information on sex, marriage, and finding the person who is right for you, get a copy of Becoming the One by Salomé Roat. Click here to learn more. The book is also available in Spanish.