Believing God’s Love
Photo by Luke Miller
Many people have trouble connecting with the Lord’s presence in their everyday life. This can happen for a variety of reasons, but here are some common thoughts or mindsets that can keep them from experiencing Him:
“God is displeased with me.”
“I can’t possibly make God happy. He is difficult to deal with.”
“My prayers don’t change anything.”
“God doesn’t actually care about me. He is huge and powerful, and I am not important enough for Him to pay attention to.”
Doug Addison says, “If we have a preconceived belief that God is harsh or militant, we will interpret the things He says to us through a filter of fear. But God is a good, loving Father who gives good gifts to His children. That includes you!”
Do you have a hard time feeling God’s love or His presence?
Do you keep expecting Him to hurt you or to give you things that you don’t actually want?
Maybe it is time for you to adjust the way you picture your heavenly Father, so you can see the beauty of your relationship with Him.
Consider the following questions, and think about how you would answer them.
Question 1: Do you believe in your heart that God is displeased with you?
“I’m not good enough for Him.”
“I constantly disappoint Him.”
“I’m sure there’s a long list of things He wants to fix with me, and I won’t be able to relax in my relationship with Him until I am changed.”
The idea that God is a displeased Father is a painful false assumption that can keep you from seeing how much He loves you and that He has good plans for your life.
What is the truth? The Bible says that you are precious to Him (Isa. 43:4) and that His plans for you are good and full of hope (Jer. 29:11).
Question 2: When you go to pray, do you assume that nothing will change? Why do you think that?
“I pray because it’s required. This is one way I keep God happy with me.”
“God only listens to people who are great prayer warriors and powerful intercessors. My prayers are weak compared to that.”
“I am not good enough for God to listen to.”
“He is not concerned with me.”
What is the truth? The Bible says that God is close to those who pray to Him (Ps. 145:18). He is CLOSE to you right now—not far away or unconcerned. The pleasure of God for you is so much bigger than you could ever think or imagine!
Every time you ask for something that is on God’s heart, He will certainly answer your prayer (1 John 5:14). Every time you talk to Him, it matters to His heart. The Bible says He keeps all your tears, and if He keeps your tears, He keeps your prayers too (Ps. 56:8). He doesn’t dismiss anything of yours as unimportant.
This week as you pray…
The next time you are talking with the Lord, or even just thinking about Him, make a mental switch from thinking He is displeased to just assuming He is pleased.
If it is easier for you to “imagine” He is displeased with you, start imagining His approval instead. This might be difficult in the beginning! It might not seem “real” at first, but the Bible is very clear that you are a delight to your Father. You aren’t a burden or something He wishes He didn’t have to deal with. You are His love (John 3:16). So, let yourself spiritually feel and perceive His affection for you. This is part of renewing your mind, and your faith will LOVE doing this.
“Wait. Do You really love me more than I thought?”
“Are You really this pleased with me?!”
“I had no idea!”
Beloved child of God, your life will change forever as you connect with His love for you and start to believe it. All of us are hungry for our Father’s affection—and we have it in abundance. We just need to believe it.
Your heavenly Father loves you more than you realize! For more about His amazing, unending love, check out Becoming the One by Salomé Roat. Click here to learn more. The book is also available in Spanish.