3 Days of Healing: Choosing What You Will Think and Believe
Photo by Jorge Fernandez
Be careful what you think today.
When we think according to Scripture, we find healing for our heart and become stronger. But if we believe lies and allow the world to tell us what to focus on, our heart becomes confused. We need to choose what we will believe, or the world will choose for us.
Here are three days of choices. They’re simple, basic truths to help you take your thoughts captive and choose the direction they will go.
· Will you believe what the Bible says, or will you believe what fear and despair are saying?
· Will you believe that your heavenly Father is trustworthy, or will you be pulled into the temptation to doubt Him?
· Will you believe what the Lord says about your future, or will you believe feelings of loneliness and hopelessness?
The outcome of choosing the Lord is always life and healing. Those who choose Him will never be ashamed (Ps. 25:3).
Journaling Day 1
Let God Heal Your Heart as You Choose to Believe He’s Trustworthy
The truth: God is trustworthy in everything He does. If He gives you a promise, He will work with you to fulfill that promise. Every single time.
Not a single one of all the good promises the Lord had given to the family of Israel was left unfulfilled; everything he had spoken came true. (Josh. 21:45 NLT)
Lies people believe: God won’t take care of them, that He won’t follow through with His Word, that He doesn’t care about them or their family, etc.
What Joshua 21:45 says about the Lord: God will keep His promises. If He says something, He means it. Every single promise He makes will come about in His timing.
The outcome of Joshua 21:45 and trusting the Lord: When your heart truly understands how trustworthy God is, you will be able to believe Him when He says He’s going to take care of you, that He has a good future for you, and that He will meet your needs. You will know you can trust Him in every situation, because He will fulfill His word every time.
Journaling time: Does your heart understand that God is going to keep His promises, or do you feel doubtful? What would it look like if you believed Joshua 21:45 with all your heart?
Journaling Day 2
Let God Heal Your Heart as You Choose to Believe He Cares About You
The truth: God wants to take care of your worries and fears for you. You can trust Him to carry them. He will never let those who trust Him be shaken.
Cast your cares on the Lord
and he will sustain you;
he will never let
the righteous be shaken. (Ps. 55:22 NIV)
So here’s what I’ve learned through it all: Leave all your cares and anxieties at the feet of the Lord, and measureless grace will strengthen you. (TPT)
Lies people believe: God doesn’t want to bother with their worries, that He cares only about certain people and not them, that He won’t come through for them if they try to trust Him, etc.
What Psalm 55:22 says about the Lord: God is concerned about His people. He wants to be their strength, and He is trustworthy with their fears and concerns. Good things happen when people trust their cares to Him.
The outcome of Psalm 55:22 and trusting the Lord: When your heart truly understands how much God cares for you, you will become stronger and stronger, because He is your strength. You are not on your own, and He will not let you down.
Journaling time: Does your heart understand that God wants to carry all your worries, fears, and concerns? Are you confident that He wants to help you with those things and take care of them for you? What would it look like if you believed Psalm 55:22 with all your heart?
Journaling Day 3
Let God Heal Your Heart as You Choose to Believe His Ways Are Best
The truth: God has your best interest in mind. All His thoughts toward you are love. When He says, “This is good for you,” you can really, truly believe Him.
Make me walk along the right paths, for I know how delightful they really are. (Ps. 119:35 TLB)
Make me walk along the path of your commands,
for that is where my happiness is found. (NLT)
Lies people believe: God does not have their best interest in mind, that He has bad or painful things in store for them, that He wants to “kill” their heart and not protect it, etc.
What Psalm 119:35 says about the Lord: God’s way is the right way. His ways always lead to delight, and they’re truly good for a person’s heart.
The outcome of Psalm 119:35 and trusting the Lord: When your heart really understands that the ways of God are good for you, you will be able to trust Him no matter what happens. You will start to enjoy your life more, because You know He’s trustworthy and the path He’s placed you on is good.
Journaling time: Does your heart understand that God’s ways are perfect for you? Is it easy for you to believe that He is doing good things with you and for you? What would it look like if you believed Psalm 119:35 with all your heart?
Your heavenly Father loves you more than you realize! Check out these other devotions:
Does Dating Feel Scary to You? 3 Ways You Can Increase Your Confidence
3 Days of Healing: Start to Hope for Your Future Marriage Again
For more information on sex, marriage, and finding the person who is right for you, get a copy of Becoming the One by Salomé Roat. Click here to learn more. The book is also available in Spanish.