God Is Ready to Help You
Photo by Joel Santos
God loves to step into your life and help you. Do you know this about your heavenly Father—that He is ready to help you?
God is our refuge and strength,
A very ready help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear, though the earth shakes
And the mountains slip into the heart of the sea. (Ps. 46:1–2 NASB)
Sometimes it’s hard to feel connected to the Lord. We can start to feel like we’re on our own or that no one can help us. But God has not walked away in those times. He has not withdrawn from us. He is ready to help, and He wants to comfort us and show us what to do.
When you feel anxious, overwhelmed, or any other emotion that is not the fruit of the Holy Spirit, take a deep breath and turn to God for help.
Here are a few ways He is ready to help you.
When you are worried, He can soothe your heart.
Wisdom soothes the heart of the one with living-understanding. (Pr. 14:33 TPT)
Where are you anxious today? Is something worrying you? The wisdom of God is ready to “soothe” that place inside you. Whatever is making you uneasy, He has exactly what you need.
Here’s a simple prayer: “Lord, I feel anxious in this area: . I give this burden to You and ask You to soothe my heart with Your wisdom. Let me hear Your voice.”
When you don’t know what to do, He can give you wise counsel.
For the Lord gives wisdom;
from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. (Prov. 2:6 NKJV)
If you need wisdom, you can go to the Lord and ask Him for it. Listen carefully for His voice, and write down what He tells you. Wisdom, knowledge, and understanding come from His voice.
“Father, this is what I am struggling with. Would You give me wisdom for this situation? I’m not sure what to do, but I know You have the answer for me.”
When you feel discouraged or apathetic, He can give you a deep love for life!
The one who gets wisdom loves life;
the one who cherishes understanding will soon prosper. (Prov. 19:8 NIV)
The wisdom of the Lord has an interesting effect on a person’s outlook. They are more joyful, they love their life, and good things will “soon” come to them.
Do you need more joy? More delight? More love for life? Do you want to prosper in an area where you have never prospered before? Ask the Lord for help.
“Father God, I want more of Your wisdom. Please share Your wisdom with me, and teach me how to cherish understanding.”
As you go about your week, remember…
God is with you to help you.
Every prayer you pray is dear to God’s heart (Prov. 15:8). You don’t need to have all the right words, or get everything perfect, or be confident or fully mature before you pray. Your prayers delight your heavenly Father! He is right here to help you. He is ready and waiting.