August Devotions: See Your Life the Way God Does
Photo by Felipe Galvan
Seeing Your Life the Way God Does: You Have a Constant Companion
Are not two small birds sold for a very small piece of money? And yet not one of the birds falls to the earth without your Father knowing it. God knows how many hairs you have on your head. So do not be afraid. You are more important than many small birds. (Matt. 10:29–31 NLV)
The eyes of the Lord are everywhere
and he takes note of everything that happens.
He watches over his lovers,
and he also sees the wickedness of the wicked. (Prov. 15:3 TPT)
Most of the time, do you feel alone? Do you feel “watched” by God or like He’s far away?
According to Scripture, God sees even the small things that happen on the earth. He’s aware of them at a level most of us don’t understand—or even expect. This is a matter of faith; you can choose to believe this as truth or not, but you are seen and known by the God who made you, who loves you dearly, and has a plan for you. You can let your heart relax in that truth.
Begin to view your world through the lens of knowing you have a constant Companion who loves you.
Prayer: Father, would You help me understand how much You’re with me and watching over me?
Journaling questions: Do you feel like God is with you? Why or why not? If you feel like He isn’t, meditate on Matthew 10:29–31 and Proverbs 15:3, and write down what the truth is.
May your Monday be blessed, and may you experience the Lord’s presence in everything you do today.
Seeing Your Life the Way God Does: You Have Access to His Wisdom
What sorrow for those who are wise in their own eyes
and think themselves so clever. (Isa. 5:21 NLT)
Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
do not depend on your own understanding. (Prov. 3:5 NLT)
The world is a loud place, and it thinks it has all the answers. In one way or another, it says, “Let me tell you what God is like, because I know. You need to believe what I’m saying so you don’t look like an idiot.”
But the world can’t tell us who God is because it has neither seen Him nor known Him (1 John 3:6). So if we want to know our Father, or the things He’s done, we need to step away from what the world is saying and look at Him directly. It is better to trust Him like a child than it is to depend on human wisdom and understanding.
Prayer: Father God, I choose to rely on Your wisdom in this area: ___________. Thank You for meeting me here.
Journaling question: The world says that God isn’t fully trustworthy, but what does the Holy Spirit say? Think about Isaiah 5:21 and Proverbs 3:5, and write down what He shows your heart.
May your Tuesday be blessed, and may you be able to trust the Lord like a child today.
Seeing Your Life the Way God Does: You Have His Timing
I will multiply the least of you into a thousand
and the weakest one into a mighty nation.
I am Yahweh, and when the right time comes,
I will accomplish it swiftly! (Isa. 60:22 TPT)
The Lord acts at the right time, and He brings increase. You might be “small” right now, but you won’t be small forever. The Lord is very skilled at taking small things and turning them into big things (always spiritually, sometimes in the natural in one way or another). He’s going to do that with you too. When the time is right, everything will fall into place.
Prayer: Father God, thank You for Your timing. I choose to trust You in this season and look to You for help.
Journaling questions: When you think about the timing of the Lord, do you feel hopeful? Or do you feel afraid because you aren’t sure what’s going to happen? What do you think He’s saying to you about the future? Write it down.
May your Wednesday be blessed, and may you be able to set your future in God’s hands and rejoice in its placement.
Seeing Your Life the Way God Does: He Carries Your Burdens
For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever. (1 John 2:16–17 NIV)
Unless the Lord builds the house,
the builders labor in vain.
Unless the Lord watches over the city,
the guards stand watch in vain. (Ps. 127:1 NIV)
One thing that falls under the heading of “the will of God” is our trust in Him. He wants us to trust Him with everything. We can trust Him with our family, job, hopes, dreams, health, possessions, etc. Every time we have a concern, instead of trusting it to the world or human protection, we can set it in God’s hands.
When we do that, we are doing His will, and His will is the only thing that lasts long term.
Prayer: Father God, would You help me to leave all my burdens in Your hands? All the things I’m worried about? All the things I love and am concerned with?
Journaling question: Practically speaking, what does it look like to leave your worries and concerns in God’s hands? Talk to Him about this, and make a list of steps for yourself, so that the next time you’re worried, you know exactly what to do to set the worry in His hands. (You may already know how to do this, but some people feel more comfortable when they have a highly practical, very basic list in front of them.)
May your Thursday be blessed, and may your heart experience the extreme comfort of leaving burdens in God’s faithful hands.
Seeing Your Life the Way God Does: The Result of Looking at Him
My ears had heard of you
but now my eyes have seen you. (Job 42:5 NIV)
Then Jesus laid his hands on his eyes again; and he opened his eyes, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly. (Mark 8:25 ESV)
And immediately something like scales fell from his eyes, and he regained his sight. Then he rose and was baptized. (Acts 9:18 ESV)
Seeing the Lord changes us more than we think.
God is our life (Deut. 30:20), so when we fix our eyes on Him, we connect with life. It flows into us like a river, and we have a much better idea of why we’re here, what we need to do, and the joy of living life with the Life Giver side by side.
Too many Christians have only heard about God with their ears. They haven’t yet encountered Him at a level that changes everything. “Now my eyes have seen You! I had an idea about You before—but now I see You.”
When you give God your eyes, your view of the world will change significantly. Hope will thunder in your heart.
Prayer: Father God, I want to see You more clearly than I ever have. Please open my eyes to You, so I can see You the way You desire to be seen.
Journaling questions: Spend some time “looking” at the Lord. This means different things to different people, but to the best of your ability, practice looking at Him. What happens? What does He show you?
May your Friday be blessed, and may your heart behold the Lord.
Seeing Your Life the Way God Does: It Is Filled with His Love
You are altogether beautiful, my love;
there is no flaw in you. (Song 4:7 ESV)
Anyone who is joined to Christ is a new being; the old is gone, the new has come. (2 Cor. 5:17 GNT)
Because of Jesus, you are holy in God’s sight. He did what you couldn’t do, and He made you holy.
Concerning God’s complete acceptance toward us, Graham Cooke writes a unique conversation with the Lord: “Beloved, I do not see anything wrong with you. I only see what is missing from your experience with Me and I am committed to giving you that.”
Do you believe that’s true? Or do you think there’s a catch somewhere? Do you suspect you need to “do” something or God won’t love you?
His love is bigger and deeper and wider than anything you’ve ever imagined (Eph. 3:17–20). When you really start to believe that is true, and when you live like it’s true, you will be amazed at how different the world appears around you. He will be your lens, and you will behold life.
Prayer: Father, I want to know, to really know, that I am “flawless” in Your sight. Will You help me understand that I am truly a new creation now?
Journaling question: Journal about the two verses listed in this section: Song of Solomon 4:7 and 2 Corinthians 5:17. Ask the Holy Spirit to tell you more about these verses. What does He say to you?
May your Saturday be blessed, and may your heart take a breath as you realize how much you’re loved.
Seeing Your Life the Way God Does: Anticipating Heavenly Abundance
A thief has only one thing in mind—he wants to steal, slaughter, and destroy. But I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect—life in its fullness until you overflow! (John 10:10 TPT)
Our God is the God of abundance. According to Strong’s Concordance, the word abundance means “superabundant or superior; by implication, excessive.” That is what the heart of God is like for you: excessive life, superabundant life.
Abundance is not a small word for a small thing—it is a big word for a huge experience.
Prayer: Father God, please show my heart what abundant life looks like in You. May I start to think according to Your abundant life and not according to fear.
Journaling question: Ask the Holy Spirit what His “abundant life” means for you, and journal what He says.
May your Sunday be blessed, and may your heart overflow with joy at the abundant life of God.
Interested in reading more about dating, relationships, and your walk with God? Here are a few articles on related topics:
For more information on sex, marriage, and finding the person who is right for you, get a copy of Becoming the One by Salomé Roat. Click here to learn more. You can also order the book in Spanish.