Simple Reminders of God’s Goodness
Photo by Averie Woodard
Today, do you need to remember that God is good?
You and I live in a fallen world that’s filled with sin, pain, and grief. Everyday life in this world pushes in and tries to cloud our view of the One who made us. But when we take the time to think about Him, meditating on His goodness and everything He is, we rediscover His beauty and how much our hearts long for Him.
“This is what He’s like! He’s so good, and He loves me dearly, and He’s the One I want.”
For further reading: Click here to remind your heart about God’s character.
Thinking about the Lord changes us for the better, so that’s what we want to do in this week’s devotional. Let’s “dwell” on the Lord. Let’s think about Him, His goodness, His kindness, and His truth. These things are light, and they help us think with wisdom, even when the world feels dark.
Here are a few ways you can think about the Lord this week. You may want to print these out and use them as part of your quiet times, journaling what the Lord shows you.
Meditating on God’s Goodness
Taste and see that the Lord is good;
blessed is the one who takes refuge in him. (Psalm 34:8 NIV)
Based on this verse, we know:
That God is good.
·That we can know Him personally and experience His goodness for ourselves.
That we are blessed as we take refuge in Him (put our trust in Him).
That He WANTS to be our refuge. He’s that good.
Meditating on God’s Perfect Plan
So we are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together to fit into God’s perfect plan of bringing good into our lives, for we are his lovers who have been called to fulfill his designed purpose. (Rom. 8:28 TPT)
Based on this verse, we know:
That God is doing good things even if we can’t see them yet.
That we don’t need to be afraid when we go through difficult seasons, because one day they WILL work out to our good.
That God remembers who we are at all times. We are His kids, and we love Him and He loves us.
That there’s a plan in the midst of the chaos.
Meditating on God’s Faithfulness
For the Lord God is brighter than the brilliance of a sunrise!
Wrapping himself around me like a shield,
he is so generous with his gifts of grace and glory.
Those who walk along his paths with integrity
will never lack one thing they need, for he provides it all! (Ps. 84:11 TPT)
Based on this verse, we know:
That God shields us from darkness.
That He is GENEROUS with His goodness.
That He is our Provider. He gives us what we need.
That He has good things in store for us.
Meditating on God’s Incredible Kindness
Do you have contempt for God, who is very kind to you, puts up with you, and deals patiently with you? Don’t you realize that it is God’s kindness that is trying to lead you to him and change the way you think and act? (Rom. 2:4 NOG)
Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, forbearance and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance? (NIV)
Based on this verse, we know:
That God is kind to us even when we don’t deserve it.
That He thinks of us and treats us with steady patience.
That He doesn’t give up on us when we make mistakes.
That He’s a safe place for us.
Rejoice! He’s Good!
The Lord’s goodness is life for our souls—and for our bodies, our minds, our households, and everything we have. His goodness extends beyond the boundaries we try to assign to it. He is BIGGER and GREATER than we think.
About the goodness of God, Graham Cooke says, “God is training you to look at everything through the lens of His goodness. He wants you to see the benefits not the deficit in your circumstances.”
Rick Sizemore talks about the goodness of God’s love:
Walking in God’s love is like walking in the woods during daylight. Love is a light to our path. When we’re walking in love, we can see clearly. We can easily hear, feel, and see the different ways God wants to express His love and goodness to us and to other people.
Do you feel like you’re walking in daylight?
If you don’t, ask the Lord to show you the goodness of His love. Ask Him to remind you of what He’s told you about yourself, about His heart, and about where He’s taking you in life. He is good—so very good—and you can trust Him in everything.
Does your heart need to remember who God is? Check out these other devotions:
For more information on sex, marriage, and finding the person who is right for you, get a copy of Becoming the One by Salomé Roat. Click here to learn more. The book is also available in Spanish.