God Is Taking Care of You
Photo by Karolina Grabowska
The character of God is the most beautiful thing in existence, and everything inside this beautiful God is for you—He is on your team. He loves you and thinks highly of you. How could He not? He is the Artist who made you. In His view, you are more than amazing, and He wants to take care of you in all things.
Sometimes in life, the fear seems louder than God’s care. If you are wrestling with fear today, take some time to remember that no matter how you might feel right now, God the Father is taking care of you. That is what His Word says, and you can believe it with all your heart.
Do you feel forgotten?
The Lord is good to His people, and He “showers compassion on all His creation.”
The Lord is good to everyone.
He showers compassion on all his creation. (Ps. 145:9 NLT)
Let the truth of Psalm 145:9 sit on your heart for a while. If you are part of His creation—which you clearly are—then you are a recipient of His compassion. He has not rejected you, forsaken you, forgotten the promises He made you, or overlooked your needs, but He has picked you up and surrounded you with His compassion. It is all around you as you read this.
Is it hard for you to trust the Lord right now?
Everyone who knows the Lord puts their trust in Him. That is what happens because He is that beautiful. If you feel like you can’t trust Him, or you aren’t sure how, spend some time thinking about Psalm 9:10. Ask the Holy Spirit what it means for you, personally:
And those who know your name put their trust in you,
for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you. (Ps. 9:10 ESV)
One of God’s names in Scripture is Yahweh-Yireh (some translations say Jehovah-Jireh), which means The Lord Will Provide (see Gen. 22:13–14).
If that is His name, then it is what He is doing for you—constantly, all the time, whether or not you feel it, no matter how loud the fear is. God is your Provider, and He is actively being His name in your life. You don’t need to be afraid that you aren’t good enough for Him or that your problem is too big for Him—He will be His name.
If you need to see His tender care more clearly, here is a brief prayer:
Father God, everyone who knows Your name ends up trusting You. That is what I want—to know Your name that deeply. Your Word says You don’t forsake those who seek You, and I am one of those people, God. Thank You for not forsaking me. I need to see Your care today. I trust You to be Yahweh-Yireh in my life. You ARE my Provider. And because You are my Provider, everything is going to work out for my good. I trust Your name.
Beloved child of God, go in peace. He has heard your prayer, and you are so very dear to His heart. He really is taking care of you.
Your heavenly Father loves you more than you realize! For more about His amazing, unending love, check out Becoming the One by Salomé Roat. Click here to learn more. The book is also available in Spanish.