Becoming The One

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Taking Your Thoughts Captive

Every believer in Jesus needs to get in the habit of guarding their thoughts. The enemy is sneaky, and if we aren’t paying attention, we can start believing lies about who we are.

“Something is wrong with me. I must be a failure. I am so messed up. God has rejected me. Jesus doesn’t want to keep dealing with me, because I have so many problems.”

These ideas sound like our own thoughts, but that doesn’t mean they are true. Many believers in Jesus make the mistake of agreeing with the enemy, and they don’t even realize it.

What is the truth?

The truth is what the Bible says about you.  

  • When God thinks of you, He is happy (Zeph. 3:17).

  • He rejoices every time you run to Him and repent. He doesn’t reject you (Luke 15:20–24).

  • He loved you so much that He chose to do whatever it took, so you could be with Him (John 3:16).

In the spiritual realm, there is a heavenly banner—a large flag—flying over you.

  • This banner does not say that you are a failure (Phil. 4:13).

  • It does not say that you are unworthy of God’s love and affection (Col. 3:12).

  • It does not list your sins or all the ways you’ve messed up (Rom. 7:17).

No, this banner talks about the extravagant, unending, never-weakening, always-steady, always-faithful love of God.

He brought me to the banqueting house,
    and his banner over me was love. (Song 2:4 ESV)

Take some time to pray Song of Solomon 2:4 over yourself. Think about what it really means, and ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you through it.

Here are some prayer points to consider with the Lord:

  • “Your banner is the only banner over me.”

  • “You are constantly, forever declaring Your love for me.”

  • “Your love is right there for me to see.”

Build a habit of guarding your thoughts and training your brain to think according to Jesus.

The next time the enemy tries to talk about your failures or how much you’ve sinned, choose to think of yourself according to Philippians 4:8:

Now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. (NLT)

Do you see it?? You are loved!

You can “flush” any voice that says things Jesus is not saying. Through His amazing work on the cross, He has made you clean and holy. Learn to think of yourself as “beloved.” Let that word be your filter, because that is who you really are.

Do you want to learn more about who you are?!

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