When Trusting God Feels Messy

Are you trying to trust the Lord, but it feels like you’re doing a bad job?

Sometimes trusting God is messy, and it doesn’t “feel” like trust. We still feel afraid, anxious, worried, just caught up in all these emotions we don’t like—but our heart is to trust the Lord.  

King David prayed in Psalm 56:3, “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.” This man of God was struggling with fear. He didn’t feel full of faith right then, but he wanted to trust. That was his goal.  

If you are trying to trust God, but your emotions are in turmoil—this doesn’t mean you are failing. You are probably doing a better job of trusting Him than you think, because He sees your heart. 

Perfect Peace Is Coming

Perfect, absolute peace surrounds those whose imaginations are consumed with you; they confidently trust in you. (Isa. 26:3 TPT)

When our mind/imagination is “consumed” with God, we are familiar with His ways—how He likes to do things. They are a part of us and how we live daily life. Our thoughts turn toward Him regularly, and His desires intrigue us; we want what He wants. We remember all His benefits (Ps. 103) and know deep inside our heart that they are for us—they are our reality, even if we can’t see their fullness yet. 

These days when everything is crazy in the world, it is so important for us to fill our mind/imagination with Jesus! We can do this in simple ways: reading His Word, praying, sitting quietly with the Holy Spirit and thinking about Him, spending time worshipping, journaling about what we read in Scripture, talking about God with our friends or trusted mentors, etc.

The more our mind/imagination is filled with God, the easier it is to believe Him when He speaks and trust Him with the things that are important to us.

As we try to trust God, we likely will find ourselves battling old emotions and fears. But the more we know our loving heavenly Father, and the more He is a part of our everyday thought life, the easier trust becomes.

What is one way you could fill your mind/imagination with more of God this week? Be creative! Do something that is out of the ordinary for you, and write down what happens.

Trust and Peace

Your heavenly Father loves you more than you know! He is absolutely delighted with you. You are His beloved child, and little children make all kinds of mistakes. They mess up all the time. But He will bend down and pick them up again and again, because that is what He is like as a Father.

Be at peace this week, child of God! Even your attempts at trusting the Lord are a big deal to Him. He can handle messy, and He knows your heart.

Do you want to get to know your heavenly Father more? Do you wish you could meet some new friends who love Him and want to go deeper with Him? Join one of our BTO groups! Click the red button to find out more.

Your heavenly Father loves you more than you realize! For more about His amazing, unending love, check out Becoming the One by Salomé Roat. Click here to learn more. The book is also available in Spanish.