Faith and Fairy-tale Love Stories


For some, a magical love story might seem unattainable. But for a dreamer like me, I see amazing love stories happen all the time. They seem to surround me, and every day I experience the benefits of believing in the miraculous and the incredible.

I feel like my own love story is one of the most amazing stories out there—but not necessarily for the reasons you might think.

For instance, it has very little to do with the circumstances of my story. It isn’t because Leon had to leave his own country behind and fly thousands of miles to find me. Nor is it because I had to trust God and overcome my concerns that maybe it wasn’t from Him—this possibility of starting a relationship with an American boy who lived so far away from me.

But this is what makes anyone’s love story truly epic and beautiful: Leon and I listened to God’s voice and knew with all our hearts that He never makes mistakes and that He would show us His will as we waited on Him

That is the secret to marital success. That is the core of a love story with the power to influence the world.

I fully agree with this quote from Kris Vallotton: “I propose that the restoration of family and marriages will change the world, define destinies, and alter the course of history.”

It is time to become a dreamer again.

More Than You Expect 

Before I met Leon, I had a long wish list for my future husband. He needed to be a kind, loving, smart, funny, amazing Christian man. How many of us feel like such a person—girl or guy—is hard to find?

I am being honest when I tell you Leon has been more than what I imagined. Because I prayed and listened to God’s voice, I know Leon is the Lord’s perfect will for me. The glove that fits my hand. The man who treats me with honor, who cherishes me and never stops pursuing me. He’s the man who prays for me and tries to understand the deepest desires of my heart; he represents Jesus well and shows me what it means to be a true believer totally in love with God.

Your heavenly Father wants to do the same for you. He wants to blow you away with His goodness in your life.

My Prayer for You 

May you be blessed this year, and may you know in your heart that you can trust God in every area of your life, especially in this area of romance and dreams. He has great plans for you, and He is a kind and gentle Father who is good at unexpected levels. 

May you allow His Spirit to guide you as you listen to His voice and His heart.


For more information on sex, marriage, and finding the person who is right for you, get a copy of Becoming the One by Salomé Roat. Click here to learn more.

You can also order the book in Spanish. Click here.


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