Childlike Faith During a Pandemic
Photo by Harold Wijnholds
Sometimes in life, we need to take a deep breath and remember we’re called to be childlike. It’s okay if things are messy. It’s okay if we make mistakes along the way. We’re still growing, and we’re deeply loved.
Where do you need to have childlike faith? Are there any places in your heart where you’ve started to feel like you need to be more ___________ (fill in the blank) in order to be accepted? Or has the Lord given you a promise or shown you something about who He is, and now you need to trust Him?
Childlike faith is a big deal. Don’t be afraid to be childlike with your heavenly Father because this isn’t weakness—it is strength that taps into all of heaven.
I want little children to come to me, so never interfere with them when they want to come, for heaven’s kingdom realm is composed of beloved ones like these! Listen to this truth: No one will enter the kingdom realm of heaven unless he becomes like one of these! (Matt. 19:14 TPT)
Here are a few things to consider and journal about in your time with the Lord this week.
1. The Lord guards those who have childlike faith.
The Lord protects those of childlike faith;
I was facing death, and he saved me. (Ps. 116:6 NLT)
Journal time: Assume Psalm 116:6 is for you—that it’s true about you personally. Ask God to speak to you about this verse, and then write down two or three things you think the verse means for you.
2. The Lord gives wisdom to those who listen to Him.
The instructions of the Lord are perfect,
reviving the soul.
The decrees of the Lord are trustworthy,
making wise the simple. (Ps. 19:7 NLT)
Journal time: It is better to listen to God than it is to listen to the world. Where is God asking you to listen to Him? Write about that area, and ask Him to tell you more about what He wants to do.
3. The Lord reveals Himself to those who feel lost or without understanding.
The teaching of your word gives light,
so even the simple can understand. (Ps. 119:130 NLT)
Journal time: This year has been difficult for many, many people. Do you feel like you have no or very little understanding? Ask God what Psalm 119:130 means for you personally, and write down what He shows you.
4. The Lord readily pours out grace and wisdom to those who ask.
And if anyone longs to be wise, ask God for wisdom and he will give it! He won’t see your lack of wisdom as an opportunity to scold you over your failures but he will overwhelm your failures with his generous grace. (Jas. 1:5 TPT)
Journal time: Where do you feel “shaky” in your life today? Where do you need wisdom? Take that area to God, and ask Him to show you what to do. Write down your request and anything He reveals to you.
An Infinite God with His Kids
An infinite God can give all of Himself to each of His children. He does not distribute Himself that each may have a part, but to each one He gives all of Himself as fully as if there were no others. (A. W. Tozer)
Do you understand how much God is with you? Some of us are so familiar with the idea that God is “with us” that we skip over it and it no longer impacts our hearts.
But all of God is all for you. As Tozer wrote, He gives all of Himself to each of His children. “You are always with me by my side. Everything I have is yours to enjoy” (Luke 15:31 TPT).
As the world shakes all around you, remember to be childlike in your heart. His heart is for you. He loves you with everything He is. Understand that He Himself is with you and fighting for you and bringing you good things.
Today, all of God is for you. Don’t be afraid. Instead, be childlike in your response to His voice and His truth.
Interested in reading more about dating, relationships, and your walk with God? Here are a few articles on related topics:
For more information on sex, marriage, and finding the person who is right for you, get a copy of Becoming the One by Salomé Roat. Click here to learn more. The book is also available in Spanish.