Declaring God’s Words
Photo by Miriam Alonso
You are surrounded by the goodness of God. His Word overflows with His promises toward you, and He has also spoken tenderly to your spirit. He has good plans in mind for you, and you can trust Him with your future.
If He has shown you something specific about your future—a certain job, going out on the mission field, getting married, having children, pastoring a church—He means it, and you can believe Him. His words are always true.
But What If…?
Is it hard for you to believe God has good plans for you? Does His goodness seem far away?
“Is God really going to do what He said—or am I getting my hopes up for nothing?”
“Am I sure I can trust Him with my future?”
“What if He never does what He promised?”
If that is where you are today, start declaring God’s words. Speak out loud what He told you, whether it was a verse He highlighted to you from Scripture, something He whispered to your heart, or a biblical truth your pastor or mentor shared.
Speaking out God’s words helps us believe His truth even more. It takes a “faraway” concept and brings it close to our hearts. When we speak His words, we are speaking absolute truth that will come to pass, because He is the One who said it, and He is trustworthy.
Changing the Way You Think
Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. (NLT)
All of us need to change the way we think. We have painful, earthly ideas that need to be changed out for God’s life-giving truths. Declaring God’s words is one way we can begin to change our thinking.
Here is what declaring His words can look like: “This is what God said, and I believe Him. I know He will do exactly what He promised. He has good plans for me, and He has no plans to harm me. He intends to prosper me. He is going to give me hope for my future.”
That is a powerful way to pray! His words are like fire (Jer. 23:29), and fire changes what it touches. Declaring God’s words will help you let go of fear, despair, and doubt—and take hold of faith in Him instead. The truths that seem distant and hard to believe today will become more and more real to you.
The next time you feel afraid, start declaring out loud what God has said. Speak His words, and let your faith rise up. Beloved child of God, He means what He said.
Your heavenly Father loves you more than you realize! For more about His amazing, unending love, check out Becoming the One by Salomé Roat. Click here to learn more. The book is also available in Spanish.