Get Ready to Experience His Goodness!
Photo by Pavel Danilyuk
You have probably heard several testimonies of people who experienced the goodness of God in beautiful ways. He did a miracle for them, got them out of debt, provided a new house or job, introduced them to their spouse, etc.
Those stories are wonderful to hear—because that is where everything begins. We usually start off hearing about the Lord’s goodness in an area where we don’t have much experience with Him. We go through a Job 42:5 process:
I had only heard about you before,
but now I have seen you with my own eyes. (NLT)
First we hear…and then we see. We start off with other people’s testimonies, and then as the Lord leads us forward, we end up “seeing” Him with our own eyes. We experience His goodness firsthand.
What Have You Only “Heard About” the Lord?
All of us have areas where we are still growing in God—places where our faith is small.
Maybe we’ve heard about His financial provision. “God did this for a family in my church. Maybe He will do the same for my family.”
Or perhaps God gave us a Bible verse about our future marriage. We have a good idea of what He is saying to us, but we’re still waiting to “see” His answer to our marriage prayers.
Revelation 19:10 says the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. Bethel Church in Redding, California, teaches that what God did in the past (the testimony of how God moved) is what He will do in the future.
Maybe you could spend some time with God and ask Him what He is saying to you. Where does He want you to see Him for yourself? The specific story He tells with you will look different than the original story you heard, but you are going to see His goodness.
A Beautiful Testimony of His Goodness
One day your hearing will become your seeing. You will look back on your life and realize you experienced God’s goodness in ways you had only heard about. You will be able to say with Job, “I had only heard about You, Father. But now I have seen You with my own eyes. Look at what You did for me! Look at how faithful You are.”
Whatever you are waiting to see in your life—marriage, financial provision, a new car, a new house, a better job, physical healing, restoration in your family—one day you will have a beautiful testimony of His goodness.
Has God put marriages on your heart? Do you want to join us for our monthly online prayer meeting where we pray for marriages, couples, singles, and what God is doing? Please come! Our next prayer meeting is February 5 at 8:00 p.m. Pacific time. Click the button to sign up!
Your heavenly Father loves you more than you realize! For more about His amazing, unending love, check out Becoming the One by Salomé Roat. Click here to learn more. The book is also available in Spanish.