God’s “Everyday” Help
Photo by Yan Krukau
Do you expect God to show up for you in the “small” things in your life? Or do you look for His help only when you need a miracle?
When you can’t find your car keys or your phone, do you think to ask Him for help then?
When you’re having trouble with a friend or co-worker, do you ask God for wisdom? Or do you assume you’re on your own and try to handle everything yourself?
It can be easy to forget how much He loves being a part of the ordinary, everyday lives of His kids. We expect to see Him in the profound things—the big things that look and feel divine. But we can sometimes forget He is also in the ordinary things that almost seem “beneath” Him.
Here are two beautiful things to remember about ordinary life with God.
He Is Helping You Even with the Small Things
Your everyday life is not beneath God’s notice. He has thought ahead and made preparations for you. He is even taking care of the road beneath your feet.
I will lead blind Israel down a new path,
guiding them along an unfamiliar way.
I will brighten the darkness before them
and smooth out the road ahead of them.
Yes, I will indeed do these things;
I will not forsake them. (Isa. 42:16 NLT)
When you pray and ask for help, that is who you are praying to—your loving heavenly Father who longs to help you. He is brightening the darkness for you and smoothing out the road ahead of you, so you will not stumble.
Every Day He Will Do Exactly What He Said
The plan of the Lord stands forever,
The plans of His heart from generation to generation. (Ps. 33:11 NASB)
I, Yahweh, never change. (Mal. 3:6 NOG)
Many believers in Jesus live with the fear that God’s promises are never going to happen for them, for one reason or another. But that is a fruitless worry. The truth is that He is constant. His plans stand firm forever, and His intentions can never be torn apart.
In your ordinary, everyday life…
He will never forsake you or fail you (Deut. 31:6).
His love for you and your family is constant and steady (Ps. 32:10).
You can run to Him when you need His help (Heb. 4:16).
His wisdom is always available to you (Jas. 1:5).
He will do exactly what He said (Isa. 55:11; John 2:22).
Beloved child of God, He really is with you. He is helping you and causing things to go well for you—even the small things. Look to see Him in your ordinary, everyday life.
Has God put marriages on your heart? Did you know we have a monthly online prayer meeting where we specifically pray for marriages? You are invited to join us! Click the button below to sign up!
Your heavenly Father loves you more than you realize! For more about His amazing, unending love, check out Becoming the One by Salomé Roat. Click here to learn more. The book is also available in Spanish.