God’s Heart Is for You! (Prayers & Declarations)
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As you read this post—in this very moment—do you feel like God loves you? Or has something stepped in the way to make you feel cut off from His love?
Whenever you feel “negative” about yourself, it’s a sign that you have forgotten how much God loves you. His love for you is the truth, and any voice inside you that says differently is not the truth. The answer is to run to Him and take at face value exactly what He says and how He thinks about you.
Declarations of God’s Heart
If you feel unloved by God today, here are a few things to consider. You may want to read these statements aloud as declarations over your life:
The Lord carries me in His arms, close to His heart (Isa. 40:11).
My heart is precious to Him (Prov. 4:23).
He’s a tender, loving Father toward me even when I’m not aware of it (Hos. 11:3).
He placed me here for a special reason (Esth. 4:14).
God is with me. That’s even His name, and He will act as His name in every situation (Isa. 7:14).
He’s the One who revives my strength (Isa. 40:31).
He’s the One who gives me courage (Ps. 27:14).
I expect the Holy Spirit to speak to me, because He wants to (John 14:26).
The Lord holds my hand (Ps. 37:24).
The Lord wants to help me even when I have a history of wrong choices and willful sins (Ps. 107:17–22).
The Lord can take anyone and make them new. He’s fond of those who don’t deserve Him (Luke 23:43).
He isn’t afraid of my mistakes. Even when I’ve really messed up, He still wants me (Luke 7:47).
The Lord delights in me (Ps. 18:19).
The Lord LOUDLY delights in me (Zeph. 3:17).
He takes pleasure in me, and He makes me more beautiful (Ps. 149:4).
I belong to Him (1 John 4:4).
He chose me. He makes me holy in His sight (Col. 3:12)
He makes me blameless and beyond reproach (Col. 1:22).
Take your heart to the Lord. Sit quietly with Him, read some of the verses listed here, and ask God what He’s saying to you. Write down what you sense He shows you—even if it seems too good to be true. Ask Him to make His heart real to you at a level you’ve never experienced before.
If you need a “starter prayer” in this area, pray the following:
Father God, please help me understand how much You really love me. Would You show me Your love today and give me the courage to believe everything You’re saying about Your heart for me?
Then let us know what happens! Send us an email at btomovement@gmail.com so we can rejoice with you over the beautiful thing God’s doing in your heart.
Interested in more? Check out some of our other articles and declarations:
For more information on sex, marriage, and finding the person who is right for you, get a copy of Becoming the One by Salomé Roat. Click here to learn more. The book is also available in Spanish.