Connecting with God When You’re in Pain
Photo by Anthony Intraversato
Reminding ourselves of God’s truth is like lighting a match and tossing it into a pool of gasoline. Darkness tries to tell us it’s powerful and all consuming—but it isn’t.
Darkness can’t fight against light. In fact, when we bring something into the light, it actually becomes light! It is completely, 100 percent conquered.
But all things become visible when they are exposed by the light, for everything that becomes visible is light. (Eph. 5:13 NASB)
This week at BTO, we’re praying that any “darkness” in your life—pain, confusion, doubt, fear, despair—will meet the light of God in a powerful way.
Here are three Bible-based statements that will shake your fears and help you focus on the light:
1. I choose to look away from my pain and heartache, and I put my eyes on God. I choose to trust Him, even when I don’t know what He’s doing, and I choose to declare in faith, “God is faithful!”
For he will rescue you from every trap
and protect you from deadly disease.
He will cover you with his feathers.
He will shelter you with his wings.
His faithful promises are your armor and protection. (Ps. 91:3–4 NLT)
When we’re hurting, one of the most powerful things we can do is proclaim the truth of God. His truth is real—it remains true—no matter what’s going on in our lives. This means we can trust Him to be a rock for us—something that won’t shift or shake or move.
In which area of your life or heart do you need to proclaim the faithful promises of God?
Don’t be afraid to trust Him. His promises are your armor and protection. They shield you from your enemies.
2. I declare that on the other side of this pain, a great reward is waiting for me—a reward that will last forever. I am walking in victory today. Jesus is with me today. I have nothing to fear today.
For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. (2 Cor. 4:17 NIV)
God doesn’t think the way humans do. He sees beyond the boundaries of our understanding. He’s outside of time, so not only does He see the past, but He also sees what’s coming.
Our pain isn’t just pain. Something extraordinary is going on. God is moving. He’s working within us and around us, and He’s doing something extravagantly beautiful.
3. I declare that Jesus is the Lord of my life. He is my center, He is my focus, and He is my trustworthy hiding place. I need Him more than my body needs food.
He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your ancestors had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord. (Deut. 8:3 NIV)
The voice of God is our bread. We were made for Him.
When you quiet yourself and sit with Him, what does He say to you? What thoughts, senses, Scriptures, or mental pictures come to you?
His voice might sound something like this:
“I am with you. Child, I have not left you alone—I see exactly what you’re going through. Come lean on Me, and trust Me to bear all your burdens well. Let Me have your pain, and you can have My peace.”
Before you go!
The following excerpt comes from a book called HOPE: A Practical Guide to Praying for Healing by Rebecca Ribnick. Read these words with an open heart, and see if God says anything to you through them:
I’ve learned that Scripture instead of experience must set my expectation for how God will move in my life. I’ve learned that he’s better than we think he is, and if it’s not too good to be true, it’s not the end of the story. Above all, I’ve learned that there is hope for things to change.
I can’t promise healing, but I can promise hope. Not the kind of hope that is synonymous with “One day I wish . . .” No, I mean the confident expectation of coming good to your life.
What I didn’t know lying in that bed all those years ago is now the drumbeat of my life: Jesus still heals.
Your story is greater than what you’ve endured. The Lord wants to take all your pain and give you something beautiful in its place. He is the Healer and the King of comfort.
Here’s our prayer for you this week:
Heavenly Father,
You know exactly what’s going on in our readers’ lives right now. You are not far away from them—You are right here with them, holding them close. We ask that You would reveal to them how close You actually are right now. Please show them what You’re doing in the middle of this difficult season. Give them words of comfort, and help them to see You more clearly than ever.
You are the One who turns our mourning into dancing! That’s what we ask this week—that You would take our readers’ heartache and turn it into utter joy. May they dance on the heads of their enemies—all the darkness trying to tear them down. You are GOOD, and everything You do is light.
— BTO Staff
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