Declarations for When You’ve Been Waiting a LONG TIME
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez
Have you been waiting a long time to meet your spouse? To have a baby? To experience financial breakthrough?
Waiting can be tough. In one way or another, all of us have experienced the difficult side of waiting.
But when the wait is something God is doing, it’s a purely holy thing. When we choose to look at our Father during the waiting time, making Him our focus, our hearts fill with peace and the fear of missing out starts to fall away.
At BTO this week, we’re asking God to fill you with such peace that your boat doesn’t rock even when you look at the calendar! May you be able to relax in His love and understand He really does have a wonderful plan for your life. Don’t be afraid to trust Him with this sacred issue of TIME.
Here are three Bible-based statements that are true for you today:
1. I declare God is good and I’ve been called according to His purpose! He is working out this long season of waiting to my benefit.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. (Rom 8:28 NIV)
Sit down with God and bring Romans 8:28 before Him. Ask Him how this verse applies to your season of waiting.
What does He show you? He might speak to you through a quiet voice inside your heart, a thought, a feeling, a Bible verse, etc.
You are His beloved child—you don’t ever have to be afraid of waiting with Him. He will work the wait out in your favor. Seek His face and spend time with Him. He is the God of time, and He is also the God of HOPE! Don’t be afraid to keep trusting Him.
2. God delights in showing me the way I should go! With all my heart I trust Him to lead me to the right place and the right moment.
Your own ears will hear him.
Right behind you a voice will say,
“This is the way you should go,”
whether to the right or to the left. (Isa. 30:21 NLT)
God actually WANTS to lead you. Leading you is one of His delights, so you don’t have to worry that He might somehow lose track of you during the waiting season.
Write down what you feel He’s saying to you. What is He putting on your heart?
When your eyes are on Him, you don’t need to be afraid of making a mistake or missing a step. He’s leading you. Even if you stumble, He can work it out to your good (Rom. 8:28). Spend the wait with Him, and you will find the fulfillment of your heart’s deepest desire: intimacy with God.
3. I declare God is faithful! His plans for me are good because of His great love, and I will get to see the outcome of putting all my trust in Him.
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. (Gal. 6:9 NIV)
When you sense God speaking to you, write down what He says so you can remember it. These are moments truly capable of changing your life for the better.
He does not forget about the seeds the two of you planted. Even if you forget, He does not! At the proper time, He will announce the season, and you will realize that the seeds you’ve planted have sprung up and produced a harvest. Don’t give up on Him. You can count on Him more than you know.
Before you go!
Abraham waited for YEARS to see his promise from God come about, but time didn’t defeat his trust in the Lord. His faith actually grew stronger the longer he waited:
Without weakening in his faith, he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead—since he was about a hundred years old—and that Sarah’s womb was also dead. Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God. (Rom. 4:19–20 NIV)
Don’t be afraid, precious child of God! Your heavenly Father loves you. Keep your promise in front of your eyes. Remind yourself of what He’s told you, and spend this waiting time in worship.
Here’s our prayer for you this week:
Father God,
Thank You for what You are doing with our readers this week, and we bless the special promises You’ve given them. Whatever those promises may be, we ask that You would give Your beautiful children grace for this season. May the wait turn into worship. May their hearts be so filled with You and Your Word that their trust becomes like bedrock. Please fill them with hope and courage to go the distance. You are worth every wait, and You’re the God who saves the best for last!
— The BTO Team
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