Declarations for the Single's Heart
Photo by Jonas Verstuyft
Are you waiting on something God promised you?
When we’re waiting for the fulfillment of a promise, it can be easy to start feeling discouraged. Sometimes all we see is how we don’t have what we want.
In those moments, what we need to do is remember the heart of our Father God and why waiting for His plan is worth it.
Here are a few blessings your heavenly Father wants you to understand and experience. Over the next week, try to read these out loud a few times until your heart starts to realize they’re actually true:
1. I declare I am not alone! God is with me in amazing ways, and He has not forgotten me.
Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you. (Deut. 31:8 NLT)
Take a few minutes to really meditate on that verse and write down what you feel God is saying to you.
Remember, His voice can come in several different ways: as an impression, a thought, a Scripture verse, a feeling, through a conversation with someone else, etc.
With Deuteronomy 31:8 in mind, what do you feel God is saying to your heart during this time of waiting? You might end up writing down something like this:
“You feel like you’re alone right now and like I’m far away from you. But, child, that isn’t true. In fact, you don’t understand how close I am! And how close I want to be to you. I have not forgotten you, and My promises WILL stand firm in your life. There is no reason for you to be afraid or discouraged, because I am right here with you and My plans for you are incredible.”
2. I declare the Lord is wonderfully faithful to me! I will see His faithfulness again and again in my life and in my family.
Not one of all the Lord’s good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled. (Josh. 21:45 NIV)
Deeply consider Joshua 21:45 in your heart, and think about what God might be saying to you through it:
“I am faithful beyond your understanding of faithfulness! You have seen My faithfulness in the past, and you will see it again—over and over and over in your life. You can fully, 100 percent trust Me to fulfill My promises to you.”
3. I declare God is fully able to do what He promised me! I place all my trust in Him and confidently expect Him to carry out His Word.
Abraham never wavered in believing God’s promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this he brought glory to God. He was fully convinced that God is able to do whatever he promises. (Rom. 4:20–21 NLT)
When you meditate on Romans 4:20–21, what does God say to your heart? What impressions does He give you, and what do you start to think about?
“I can do more for you than anything you could ask or imagine! My love for you goes beyond anything you can comprehend, and the desires of your heart are like treasures to Me. I am able to do exactly what I’ve promised you, and I am looking forward to giving you this beautiful desire of your heart.”
Here’s our prayer for you this week:
Heavenly Father,
Your words are life, and every promise You’ve given this precious child of God is a treasure of great worth. Thank You for how they will get to see Your abundant faithfulness in their life! You have the power to do exactly what You said You would do. Please give them the courage to keep their eyes on You as You lead them forward and show them Your faithfulness. Open their eyes and heart to hear Your quiet voice this week, so they can bravely follow Your leading and really start to see Your love for them. In the name of Jesus, amen.
— The BTO Team
Before you go!
If God spoke to you through any part of this article, you may want to copy and paste those words into your phone or write them down in a place where you’ll be able to revisit them easily. Whenever and however God speaks to your heart, take note of His words! Because they have the power to change your life.
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For more information on sex, marriage, and finding the person who is right for you, get a copy of Becoming the One by Salomé Roat. Click here to learn more.
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