Blessing Your Future Spouse’s Family Even When You’re Single
Photo by Anastase Maragos
In the United States, we’re about to celebrate Thanksgiving—a special time to reflect on the amazing, simple, profound things God has done for us. It’s a time for worship.
But it’s also a time to be with family—and that, unfortunately, isn’t always something we enjoy.
At BTO this week, we’re praying for your family, blessing them, and speaking life and health over them. We’re ALSO doing these things for your spouse’s family. Whether you’re married or single, we want to bless your spouse’s family and “prepare the way,” in a manner of speaking, for the blessings God wants to bring them.
God is not bound by time, like we are. We don’t have to wait to talk to Him or have all the answers in place before we go to Him. Where His blessings are concerned, it doesn’t actually matter whether you’re single or dating anyone seriously right now—you can still bless your future spouse’s family even if you have no idea who they are.
Here are four Bible-based blessings you can pray over your spouse and future in-laws today:
1. May my spouse and his/her family know the tender joy of the Lord! May they be filled up with His wisdom and be able to trust Him with all their hearts.
The father of godly children has cause for joy.
What a pleasure to have children who are wise.
So give your father and mother joy!
May she who gave you birth be happy. (Prov. 23:24–25 NLT)
Spend time with the Holy Spirit and ask Him how Proverbs 23:24–25 applies to you, your spouse, and your spouse’s family. He might show you something unexpected!
Using only that Scripture passage as a guide, here are a few ways you could pray for your spouse and future in-laws:
Bless your spouse’s siblings and parents.
Pray they would be a healthy, close-knit family who walks with God.
Ask God to open their hearts to His joy and pleasure over them.
Ask God to increase their discernment and wisdom, so they know what to do when they have questions.
2. I pray that every door God wants open for my spouse’s family would open and that every door He wants shut would shut. May every single one of His promises come to pass in His perfect timing, and may His peace rest on my spouse’s family and home.
God is not human, that he should lie,
not a human being, that he should change his mind.
Does he speak and then not act?
Does he promise and not fulfill? (Num. 23:19 NIV)
God forgets all our sins, but He remembers His promises (see Heb. 8:12). He delights in taking us by the hand and leading us forward, into the good future He has for us.
Are there any promises God has made you that maybe you’ve forgotten about? Ask Him to remind you of anything He wants you to remember, and write down what you feel He says.
If He shows you specific ways to pray for your spouse’s family concerning forgotten promises, write them down as well. Your future mate may be interested in seeing these one day.
3. May my spouse and his/her family know the faithful love of the Lord in everything they do. May their eyes be open to see Him, their ears open to His voice, and their hearts open to feel His love.
Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness. (Lam. 3:22–23 NIV)
We were built to feel—to deeply experience—our heavenly Father’s love.
As you bless your spouse’s family, ask God to peel away any “layers” that keep them from connecting with His love.
4. May every member of my spouse’s family know the healing mercies of God in everyday ways! May they be able to trust Him with their physical bodies and rest in His loving care.
I am the Lord who heals you. (Ex. 15:26 NLT)
Ask God to fill your spouse’s family and home with His peace and healing.
Before you go!
Family relationships during the holiday season can be rough. Danny Silk makes this suggestion:
As people age, it can become easier to disconnect our emotions. It seems easy to show affection to children. Adults can be more difficult. If there is a disconnect between you and a family member, remember to focus on your heart connection.
Find out how they FEEL, what might be bothering them, and show real empathy for them. When they realize you are a safe place for them to share about their life, you will gain more trust. Over time, this new level of trust can turn into a loving, meaningful exchange of relationship.
Don’t be afraid to RELAX in God this holiday season, trusting He is with you and providing for you even when family relationships are difficult.
Here’s our prayer for you this week:
Father God,
Thank You for this beautiful opportunity to pray into something and watch You move. We know You are good, and this week we ask that our readers would come to understand Your goodness and Your heart for them at a much deeper level. May this understanding quickly move beyond the limits of human reasoning and become a matter of spirit and faith for them.
We bless their marriages, their families, their homes, their vehicles, everything that belongs to them, and the lovely plans You’ve written for them. May You get to see the desires of YOUR heart come to pass in their lives!
— The BTO Staff
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For more information on sex, marriage, and finding the person who is right for you, get a copy of Becoming the One by Salomé Roat. Click here to learn more.
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