His Beautiful Love Drives Out Fear!
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio
Much of the world is choosing fear and doesn’t realize it. They are allowing fear to govern their lives.
But we don’t have to live according to fear. We don’t have to think or act because of fear. The more we get to know our loving heavenly Father, the more we realize how big He is. He is so much greater than anything we could be afraid of.
He laughs at the plans of nations (Ps. 2:2–4).
He holds the earth in His hand (Ps. 95:4).
He formed the ground with His fingers (Ps. 95:5).
His word is eternal (Ps. 119:89).
Everything serves His plans (Ps. 119:91).
His testimonies will last forever (Ps. 119:152).
This God—this mighty God who hung the moon and calls the stars by name—dearly loves you. You are His treasure.
Fear cannot hold you captive when God is your source. As you get to know Him and the incredible way He loves you, your faith will grow, and you will realize, “He really means it when He says He is taking care of me.” Knowing His love will drive the fear out of you, and your heart will become softer and more tender in His presence.
There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love. (1 John 4:18 ESV)
Devotional activity: If you are afraid, spend time in God’s love. Purposefully remember who He is: “This is my Father. This is what He is like, and He loves me.” Dwell on His Word. Let His love wash over you.
Understanding His Goodness
The Lord is truly beautiful, and when He is our delight in life—not just His things or what He can do for us, but Him—we get to experience the world the way we were meant to. He steps in and provides everything we need.
The thing you should want most is God’s kingdom and doing what God wants. Then all these other things you need will be given to you. (Matt. 6:33 ICB)
Seek your happiness in the Lord,
and he will give you your heart’s desire. (Ps. 37:4 GNT)
To delight in Him, we need to get to know Him and believe He really is good! Many believers don’t have a positive view of Him. They believe He is angry with them, uncaring, punishing when they make a mistake, focused more on rules than intimacy, etc. When we don’t know God, our fear will grow.
But those negative beliefs will change as we get to know Him for who He truly is. He really does love us, and He really is good. Understanding His goodness helps drive out fear as well.
Devotional activity: Ask the Lord to show you more of who He is. Then read Psalm 121, and take note of what He highlights to you. Write down your thoughts about this psalm and the heart of your heavenly Father.
Do you long to see God move in your marriage? Do you want to see Him bless marriages, pour life and abundance into them, and reduce fear? Join us for online prayer on Monday, May 6, at 8:00 p.m. Pacific time God has amazing plans for marriages and families, and we are so happy we get to work with Him in prayer!