Seeing Yourself Through God’s Eyes
Photo by Designecologist
The best way to see ourselves is through God’s eyes. How does He see us? Every other way we could look at ourselves is only a partial picture. It could even be a lie. The enemy wants to fill us with false stories so we become discouraged and confused.
To see ourselves through our heavenly Father’s eyes, we have to know His nature. Is He good, or is He trying to hurt us?
Is He the God of love, like the Bible says, or does He hold us at a distance because we make mistakes sometimes?
If we believe He is angry with us, we won’t run to Him for help.
If we believe He doesn’t have time for us, we won’t feel welcome to sit on His lap and just be with Him.
If we believe He won’t keep His promises, how will we be able to trust Him?
But as we start to realize who He is—a good Father who means what He says and wants a real relationship with us—it becomes much easier to believe who we are to Him: precious, beloved children who have been made holy because of Jesus.
Identity and Being Led by the Holy Spirit
For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. (Rom. 8:14 NIV)
One way we can let the Spirit of God lead us every day is by honestly believing what He says about us.
Some people base their identity in their performance or productivity:
“I’m a good person because I always do good things.”
“Look how worthy I am! I can accomplish so much more than other people!”
Many people find their identity in their families and friends:
“My parents have always said this about me, so it must be true.”
“All my friends say I’m this way, so I guess they’re right.”
But God wants you to find your identity in Him. Therefore…
You get to believe what God the Father is saying about you! You are His handiwork (Eph. 2:10). He spent time making you, and He feels He did a good job. He is pleased with who you are. Prayer idea: Ask Him to show you how pleased He is.
You get to believe Him more than you believe anyone else. Abandon any descriptions that are not from God, and do not accept other people’s false ideas about who you are. Let God’s opinion be the one that defines you. Prayer idea: Ask Him about His plans for you.
You get to trust the Holy Spirit, who cries out “Abba! Father!” in your heart (Rom. 8:15). The next time you read the Bible, ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you. Prayer idea: If you don’t know what the Holy Spirit thinks about you, ask Him. Then give Him time to speak.
Beloved child of God, may you come to see yourself through God’s eyes! May your heart relax in His love, and may all the lies, fears, and accusations scatter from you.
If you want to know more about God’s amazing love and who you are, join one of our BTO groups! Click here.
For more information on sex, marriage, and finding the person who is right for you, get a copy of Becoming the One by Salomé Roat. Click here to learn more. The book is also available in Spanish.