His Love Without Measure
Photo by Jametlene Reskp
Many people feel a level of shame in their hearts because they believe they haven’t “proven” themselves to God yet. They haven’t accomplished everything they expected to accomplish by this point in their life. “I need to do more. I need to be more. Right now I am not enough.”
Maybe they wanted to be a missionary in a foreign country by this age. Maybe they wanted to be married, or maybe they wanted to have children—or a house or a career or their own business.
If allowed, the enemy will try to convince us we are somehow outside of God’s love. “You’re so far behind in life! You missed your chance. God isn’t happy. He wishes you were different.” He will try to make us feel like we don’t measure up to what God wants.
But as we truly realize how much our heavenly Father loves us, we start to understand there are no standards we must measure up to. He loves us because we are His children, and that’s the only reason.
Like a parent treasuring their newborn, God treasures us. We so often try to make His love more complicated, but the truth is, He loves us because we are His, and that is all.
If you’re trying to hold yourself to a standard other than God’s perfect love, may today be the day you let that standard go!
It is okay if you haven’t accomplished the things you expected to by this point. God has a plan.
It is okay if you feel like you’re “behind” in life. You already have the most important thing: your heavenly Father’s affection. He adores you and thinks you are wonderful.
If you’re having trouble remembering how much you are loved, here are a few reminders from Scripture:
God is well pleased with you (Matt. 3:17; John 17:22).
He has good plans for your life (Jer. 29:11).
He has so many good things in store for you (Ps. 81:10).
He doesn’t want cares and concerns to weigh you down (Ps. 55:22).
He has so much hope concerning you (Rom. 15:13).
All His works are marvelous, and you are one of His works (Ps. 139:14).
Whatever you’re struggling with today, be at peace, child of God. You are so very loved! More than you know.
Your heavenly Father loves you more than you realize! For more about His amazing, unending love, check out Becoming the One by Salomé Roat. Click here to learn more. The book is also available in Spanish.