Hope for Those Who Are Still Waiting (Prayers and Declarations)
Photo by Brooke Lark
If you’ve been waiting a long time for something—take heart. In the world we miss out on good things if we fail to act quickly, don’t perform well, or have a change of heart. But that isn’t what God is like. He’s the One who saves the best for last (John 2:10).
Waiting is a common theme in Scripture, and maybe that’s one reason why—because God saves the best for last!
If you’re waiting for something today, know that you haven’t missed out on the best or been forgotten. You are God’s child—that is who you are, and He will not forget about you. He has something amazing stored up for your future, and even as you read these words right now, He is operating sweetly and perfectly in your life.
Refreshing Your Heart
If you feel discouraged because you’ve had to wait for so long, carefully go over the following points. Write down any thoughts that stand out to you, and pray about them over the next week. Meditate on these Scriptures, and ask God how they apply to you.
1. The Lord pours out His best in those seasons when the world says, “You can’t have the best now” or “You missed out.”
Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now. (John 2:10 NIV)
2. There is no decrease in God’s kingdom. There is only increase!
There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace,
On the throne of David and over his kingdom,
To establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousness
From then on and forevermore.
The zeal of the Lord of hosts will accomplish this. (Isa. 9:7 NASB)
3. The Lord loves those who are slow to give Him their hearts.
What do you think? There was a man who had two sons. He went to the first and said, “Son, go and work today in the vineyard.”
“I will not,” he answered, but later he changed his mind and went. (Matt. 21:28–29 NIV)
4. The Lord longs to comfort the people who are angry and disillusioned with Him. He doesn’t write them off or say, “You made the wrong choice. Sorry.” He still wants them with Him.
The older son became angry and refused to go in and celebrate. So his father came out and pleaded with him, “Come and enjoy the feast with us!” (Luke 15:28 TPT)
5. The Lord loves those who are in last place.
Take what belongs to you and go. I choose to give to this last worker as I give to you… So the last will be first, and the first last. (Matt. 20:14, 16 ESV)
An Activity for Your Heart and God’s Heart
Sit down with your heavenly Father for a few minutes and write out two concerns you have about the future. Maybe something is taking a long time, and you feel like it shouldn’t be. Maybe you don’t know what to do.
Pray about those concerns. Be honest with God about how your heart feels, and ask Him what He has to say about those two worries. Then write down what you sense He says. Remember, His voice can come in different ways: as a thought or impression, a feeling, a verse from Scripture, etc.
The Lord has so much compassion in His heart for you that your heart can’t contain all of it. He’s like the ocean, and your heart is like a coffee mug. Just one mug! One mug cannot possibly hold all of the ocean, all at once.
So don’t be afraid during this waiting time, child of God. He hasn’t overlooked you. When you’re willing to wait for Him and follow His leading, you won’t miss out. And the prize He’s crafting for you is worth every second of this wait.
Do you long for more of the presence of God in your life? Check out some of our other prayers and declarations: