Love Gives You Courage

Your love for the Lord is a powerful force in the spiritual realm. It is the best gift you could ever give Him. He treasures your love at a level that would shock you if you ever saw it clearly.

“I have loved you with an everlasting love.” (Jer. 31:3 ESV)

Some believers in Jesus have trouble trusting their hearts where God is concerned. They keep expecting Him to be angry. They feel like they aren’t good enough for Him or that their love isn’t good enough. But they think that way because they don’t understand how precious and dear they are to Him.

For God the Father, your love is a prize bigger than all other prizes.

Think of a dad who cherishes his two-year-old’s attempts to show him affection. It doesn’t matter if those attempts are messy or “immature” or not fully understood by the child. Every giggle delights him. His heart opens with every tiny hug. His delight in that child could cause the moon to change course in the sky.

When Israel was a child, I loved him. (Hos. 11:1 NKJV)

That is what the Father’s delight is like with you.

Love is a strong force that reshapes the spiritual realm and gives a person courage.

What are you struggling with today? Maybe you feel overwhelmed or afraid. Or maybe your emotions seem out of control, and you don’t know how to make them peaceful again.

Whatever you’re going through, don’t allow the enemy to tell you that you’re a failure, unworthy, or not good enough for your heavenly Father. 

Each one of you will put to flight a thousand of the enemy, for the Lord your God fights for you, just as he has promised. So be very careful to love the Lord your God. (Josh. 23:10–11 NLT)

Ask the Lord to show you how much He really is with you and that He is fighting for you. Ask Him to show you what your love means to His heart. (And then comment below, because we want to know what He tells you!)

Morning Declarations

Here is a list of declarations based on the verses we looked at today. Feel free to print these off and read them out loud in the mornings as a reminder of God’s love and how much He treasures your affection for Him: 

  • “You love me with an everlasting love. It is endless, infinite, and without boundaries.”

  • “You love me even when I feel immature and incompetent.”

  • “You are fighting for me in the place where I feel the weakest.”

  • “You are standing with me in the place where I keep failing and messing up.”

  • “My enemies will run in terror because You are with me.”

  • “I am going to see the benefits of Your strength in my life.”

  • “You are doing exactly what You have promised.”

Take note of everything that helps you be more aware of His love today.

May you come to see His love at a deeper level, and—having seen it—may your heart take courage.

Your heavenly Father loves you more than you realize! For more about His amazing, unending love, check out Becoming the One by Salomé Roat. Click here to learn more. The book is also available in Spanish.