Trusting the Lord with All Your Heart
Photo by Rafael Barros
All of us are in the process of learning to trust the Lord at a deeper level. There are probably some areas where we find it easy (or at least easier) to trust Him—but then there are other areas where it feels like we are trying to keep our balance on a tree branch fifty feet above the ground.
“Lord, are You SURE everything is going to be okay?”
Whenever we face a fear, we have two options: We can duck down and hide and hope everything works out—or we can choose to trust the Lord. We can listen to the Holy Spirit, rely on God’s Word, and choose to believe Him more than we believe the fear.
But trust can be tough. It is often harder to trust than it is to hide, which is why so many of us end up with our heads down and our hearts racing. When our emotions are screaming at us, trusting God can even feel like the wrong decision. “How can I trust the Lord with this?”
But every time we put our trust in Him, we will not be disappointed. He can be trusted with our dating life, our future marriage, our home, our children—everything.
They cried out to You and were delivered;
They trusted in You and were not disappointed or ashamed. (Ps. 22:5 AMP)
What Does He Think About Your Situation?
Almost sweetly, the Bible says to trust the Lord and not rely on our own understanding. Our understanding often says things like:
“It is up to me to find the right person and get married. I need to make this happen.”
“It’s my fault this person broke up with me.”
“I’m single because no one wants me.”
Whenever you catch yourself thinking dark, anxious thoughts about your future, pause. Take a deep breath and check in with the Holy Spirit. Instead of relying on what YOU think is happening, find out what GOD thinks is happening.
Trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with all your heart
And do not rely on your own insight or understanding. (Prov. 3:5 AMP)
Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know. (Prov. 3:5 GNT)
What Is the Outcome of Trusting the Lord?
Remember the Lord in everything you do, and he will show you the right way. (Prov. 3:6 GNT)
Do you want to know the “right way” in your dating life? In your marriage? With your kids and all the other details of your future?
Trust Him. Rely on Him. Remember Him—and He will show you what to do. His voice is trustworthy even when the fear is loud.
So be at peace, child of God. You really can trust Him with all the beautiful things He has put on your heart.
Do You want to pray for marriages?
The enemy’s plan is to destroy the marriages God created, because he does not want Jesus revealed this way. His goal is brokenness, while God’s goal is life. Do you wish you had a way to gather with others and pray for God’s will to be done in marriage? If this idea stirs your heart, please join us for our monthly BTO prayer meeting, where we pray for singles, couples, and the marriages God has established. Our next meeting will be Monday, November 6, at 8:00 P.M. Pacific Time.
Your heavenly Father loves you more than you realize! For more about His amazing, unending love, check out Becoming the One by Salomé Roat. Click here to learn more. The book is also available in Spanish.