Comforting Your Heart with God’s Goodness
Photo by Taisiia Shestopal
When your heart feels weary, one way you can refresh yourself is by purposefully remembering the goodness of God.
“This is who He is in my life, and this is who He is for my nation. This is what the Bible says about Him, and these things are true even if my heart can’t feel them right now. Instead of listening to fear or hopelessness, I choose to believe what His Word says about Him. I take hold of the truth that He is good.”
Don’t be passive in this remembering. Hold fast to the goodness of God with both hands, and let the comfort of His Holy Spirit fill your heart.
Declarations for Your Heart
Here are just a few of the amazing things the Bible says about the goodness of God.
Declare these verses over yourself, and spend time meditating on them and writing down whatever the Lord shows you. If your heart stirs when you read something, write it down because that is likely the Holy Spirit moving gently. Even if you aren’t sure exactly what He’s saying, write it down anyway, because He could bring clarity later.
The Lord is my great joy (Ps. 4:7).
The Lord fills my life with good things (Ps. 103:5).
The Lord is good to me, and He has compassion for me (Ps. 145:9).
The Lord has perfect gifts set aside for me (Jas. 1:17).
The whole earth—everything He created—is filled with His goodness (Ps. 33:5).
His goodness can be personally experienced, and I am experiencing it personally (Ps. 34:8).
The Lord does wonderful, amazing things for me and the people around me (Ps. 107:8).
The Lord is good, and all the things He does are good (Ps. 119:68).
The Lord is tender toward me, and His compassion for me is mighty (Ps. 69:16).
The Lord has stored up His goodness for me, and I will get to see His goodness (Ps. 31:19).
The Lord is truly kind toward me (Rom. 2:4).
The Lord does not withhold His goodness from me (Ps. 84:11).
The Lord is good to me, and He’s my safe place when I’m struggling (Nah. 1:7).
The Lord is good to me when I’ve done nothing to deserve it. He comes to save me even when I’m running from Him (John 3:16; Luke 15:3–7; Rom. 5:8).
Declarations for Your Nation
God is simply good. There is no shadow of anything else inside Him. This means He is good on a grand scale that involves more than just you and your heart; His goodness involves nations, world forces, and heavenly realms.
If He has laid your nation on your heart, you can take verses about His goodness and turn them into prayers or declarations for your nation. Here are some examples of what this could look like:
For me: The Lord is my great joy (Ps. 4:7).
For my nation: I declare that the Lord is great joy for my nation. That is who He is for us. Father, may we be able to see that You are great joy for us. Would You remove the blinders of the enemy that keep us from seeing You as our great joy?
For me: The Lord fills my life with good things (Ps. 103:5).
For my nation: The Lord has filled my nation with good things. I pray that we, as a people, would be able to see those good things and realize how much He loves us.
For me: The Lord is good to me, and He has compassion for me (Ps. 145:9).
For my nation: The Lord is good to my nation, and He has compassion for us. Father, thank You for the compassion You are showing my nation. I pray that our eyes would be opened to see Your compassion for us. May those who are struggling with fear or hopelessness in this season come to see You as You are.
Better Than We Could Ask or Think
Bill Johnson says, “He’s better than we think. So we need to change the way we think.” This week, ask God to reveal His goodness to you.
Does your heart need to remember who God is? Check out these other devotions:
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