Exhausted? Hurting? Tired? Alone? Remember Who God Is
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The winter months can be tough on our hearts. Many of us experience a subtle depression this time of year for different reasons—things like the cold, the lack of light, all the rain and potentially stressful weather, perhaps even the pressure of trying out new things in a new year.
So here at BTO this week, we want to offer you a simple reminder of who God is for you at your “darkest” time.
When our eyes are on Him, our hearts are restored. What is out of order gets put back in order. The “holes” are filled, and we can breathe again and start to remember who we are.
No matter your circumstances, regrets, or fears, God loves you and remains the same. The following points will never change, because He will never change:
God is faithful, and He will not forget what He’s told you (1 Thess. 5:24).
His love and compassion toward you won’t run out (Lam. 3:22–23).
He is the God who rescues people from oppression (Deut. 5:6).
God’s work in your life is done in faithfulness (Ps. 33:4).
The world is filled with the lovingkindness of the Lord (Ps. 33:5).
He will never leave you alone (Heb. 13:5).
He forgives faithfully (1 John 1:9).
In Him you will find the rest you need (Matt. 11:28).
He rescues those trapped in darkness (Ps. 107:13–14).
When you’re tired and fearful, He knows what you need (1 Sam. 30:6).
He is your Healer (Ex. 15:26).
He is a good Father (Luke 15:11–32).
He delivers you from all your fears when you seek Him (Ps. 34:4).
He restores your soul (Ps. 23:2).
He is the God of all comfort (2 Cor. 1:4).
He gives good gifts (Jas. 1:17).
He has good plans for you (Jer. 29:11).
He thinks of you with rejoicing (Zeph. 3:17).
You may want to make a copy of that brief list and post it where you can easily see it as a reminder. Go over it in your prayer times this week, and look up the verses. Actively repeat to yourself who God is in your life.
Write down anything you feel He shows you during this season.
Here’s a simple prayer when you’re afraid:
Father, I entrust this person/thing/situation to You: _________________. I set it in Your faithful hands and trust Your care.
Here’s a simple prayer when you don’t know what to do:
Father, I need wisdom about this situation: __________________. Please show me what I should do, and bring me someone who can help me.
Here’s a simple prayer when you feel overwhelmed:
Father, I declare You are the One my heart needs. I choose to look at You and find my rest in You. Thank You that I get to worship when I feel afraid or overwhelmed.
Before you go!
In his book Emotions, Rick Sizemore talks about how to deal with the different things we feel:
With any emotion, one of the very first things we need to know is whether or not that emotion is signaling a truth to us. God gave us two resources to monitor truth within us: His Word (John 17:17) and the Holy Spirit (John 16:13). The Holy Spirit and the Word of God are always in agreement with one another. God’s Word will not violate the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit will not reveal anything that is contrary to the truth of God’s Word.
Have you been struggling with a certain emotion lately? Is that emotion “truth” according to God’s Word and the Holy Spirit? Or is it something else?
You are precious to your heavenly Father’s heart, and He wants you to walk in perfect freedom (Gal. 5:1). What do you think “perfect freedom” looks like in your case? Perhaps you should ask the Lord and see what He says. When you seek your Father for answers, you’ll be amazed at what you find!
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For more information on sex, marriage, and finding the person who is right for you, get a copy of Becoming the One by Salomé Roat. Click here to learn more. You can also order the book in Spanish.