3 Days of Healing: What to Do If You’re Tired of Being Single
Photo by Sixteen Miles Out
The goodness of God is life.
A. W. Tozer wrote, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” This is true in your dating relationship too. When you know He’s good, the whole world opens up. Everything changes, and the wait becomes a sign of His goodness.
Here are three days of journaling activities that will help you fill your heart with the goodness of God when you’re tired of being single.
May you experience the fierce joy of the Lord this week as you do these activities and realize all over again how good He really is.
Journaling Day 1
The Goodness of God Leads You to Trust Him for Your Marriage
Then the Lord descended in the form of a pillar of cloud and stood there with him, and passed in front of him and announced the meaning of his name. “I am Jehovah, the merciful and gracious God,” he said, “slow to anger and rich in steadfast love and truth.” (Ex. 34:5–6 TLB)
Why is this important? When you know that God is good, it becomes easier to trust Him with your dream of marriage. He is not a tyrant trying to force you down a path that isn’t good for you—He’s good, and that’s all, and He has your best interest in mind. As your awareness of God’s goodness grows, you will have a greater capacity for hope for the future. Waiting loses its sting because you know He hasn’t forgotten you or left you behind.
Journal your thoughts: Ask the Lord to tell you about His goodness. Make your request, and then listen for His answer. Remember, He speaks in many different ways, many of them subtle: a quiet internal voice, an audible voice, Scripture, thoughts, impressions, mental pictures, etc.
If you aren’t certain what to pray, start here: Father, is there any area in my heart or in my thinking where I don’t realize how good You truly are? Would You introduce Your goodness to me in that area, so I can start to see You more clearly?
Journaling Day 2
The Goodness of God Helps You Trust Him, Because He WILL Keep His Promise About Your Marriage
The Lord replies, “I have seen violence done to the helpless,
and I have heard the groans of the poor.
Now I will rise up to rescue them,
as they have longed for me to do.”
The Lord’s promises are pure,
like silver refined in a furnace,
purified seven times over.
Therefore, Lord, we know you will protect the oppressed,
preserving them forever from this lying generation. (Ps. 12:5–7 NLT)
Why is this important? All of us need to be reminded from time to time that God means what He says. When we take His voice seriously and believe that He will act on our behalf, we are worshiping Him in a beautiful way. We might not know the details—when, how, or who He’ll use to fulfill His plans—but we can know with certainty that He will fulfill His plans.
Journal your thoughts: Think of a promise the Lord has made you about your future, and bring this promise before Him. Ask Him to surprise you with His goodness.
If you aren’t certain what to pray, start here: Lord, I desire to trust You with all my heart where my marriage is concerned. Help me to hold on to Your promise and protect it in my heart like the treasure it is.
Journaling Day 3
The Goodness of God Leads You into Impossible Things
But Jesus said to him, “‘If You can?’ All things are possible for the one who believes.” (Mark 9:23 NASB)
Why is this important? The way you see God is a bigger deal than it might seem. It is not a small, insignificant idea—but something capable of changing your life. When you believe that He is faithful and will do what He said, you get to step into the realm of “All things are possible.” Don’t allow fear to shut your eyes to His goodness, but make the choice to believe.
Journal your thoughts: What is the hardest part of believing the Lord about your future marriage? Ask Him to show you the truth about the difficult part and to lead you forward in His wisdom.
If you aren’t certain what to pray, start here: Lord, am I brave where my belief in You is concerned? Or do I hesitate in an area where You’re asking me to trust You? Please draw my heart and help me to trust You concerning my future marriage. I want to laugh at all my fears and know You are GOOD at a level I never expected.
Don’t be afraid, beloved child of God. He will do everything He’s said. The goodness of God is key during this time of singleness, and one day you will get to rejoice in how He’s fulfilled His word to you.
How has God been good to you? Comment below!