His Love Is Greater Than the Fear
Photo by Gabriela Palai
Many people look at the world through lenses of fear. They have trouble seeing good things because their vision is filled with fearful things. Living on earth doesn’t feel like an adventure with God to them. It feels ominous, like bad things are waiting to happen.
But the Bible describes the earth in a different way. Psalm 119:64 says the earth is “filled” with the love of the Lord.
The earth is filled with your love, Lord;
teach me your decrees. (NIV)
All of us have a choice to make: Will we see the world as the Bible describes it—as full of His love? Or will we see it according to our fears?
Will we allow fear to tell us it is more powerful than God’s love? Or will we respond in faith and choose to believe the earth is exactly what Scripture says it is?
Guard Your Thoughts Carefully
Especially these days, we need to be careful about what we think. The love of the Lord is stronger than the fear prowling on earth. The enemy does not have the power to change Psalm 119:64. Some of us need to stop allowing fear to be so big in our heart and mind and, instead, put our eyes on the Lord.
Yes, there’s evil in the earth, but the truth about the earth is God’s love. His love abounds in times of fear, evil, and darkness.
He is love, and He holds the world together (Col. 1:17; 1 John 4:8).
He looked at the world and loved us (John 3:16).
When we were trapped in sin, that is when Jesus came for us (Rom. 5:8).
The whole earth is filled with His love.
Praying for Yourself
Think about one thing that worries you right now. What is weighing on your heart? Go to a quiet place with the Lord, and try to set that worry in His hands. Ask Him to show you His love in the area where you are afraid. Sit quietly with Him, and see what He says to you.
Praying for Your Spouse
Take Psalm 119:64, and turn it into a prayer for your spouse. (You can do this even if you aren’t married yet.)
Ask the Lord to help your spouse see the world how He sees it. God’s love casts out all fear—there is love here, because He is here. Ask the Holy Spirit to show your spouse His deep, amazing love.
May all of us be able to look at the world through the lenses of God’s love, not the lenses of fear.
If you want to know God’s amazing love better, check out Becoming the One by Salomé Roat! Click here to learn more. The book is also available in Spanish.
Your heavenly Father loves you more than you realize! Other devotionals about His love: