Becoming The One

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October Devotions: Seeking God to Find Peace for Your Soul


The Peace of His Presence

Psalm 16:8 (NIV)

You make known to me the path of life;
you will fill me with joy in your presence,
with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

Your heart is very important to your heavenly Father. He wants it to thrive and be full of life. That’s how He made you, and it’s what He’s working toward with you.

If you can’t feel His peace today, it may be a sign you need God to refresh your soul, like His Word talks about (Ps. 23:1–2). Whatever is causing your heart to feel unresponsive to His hope—He knows exactly what you need, and in His presence you’ll rediscover your peace.

True peace for the human soul is found only in His presence.

Today’s prayer: Father God, You see exactly where I am and You know what my heart has been struggling with. I ask that You would teach me more about Your presence and hearing Your voice, so my heart can find its peace in You. In the name of Jesus, amen.

May your Monday be blessed!



The Peace of His Face

Psalm 27:8 (GW)

When you said,
“Seek my face,”
my heart said to you,
“O Lord, I will seek your face.”

When we look at God—that is, when we give Him our full attention—everything changes. We start to remember what’s real. The voice of fear gets kicked out, and our hearts fill with tangible peace.

In which areas of your life do you need to look at God today? Your finances? Your love life? A family member’s health? Your job?

Looking at God doesn’t automatically change your CIRCUMSTANCES, but it does allow you to remember the truth. Your heart is able to pause with Him and realize all over again, “He loves me, doesn’t He? Everything is going to be okay. Because He’s here.”

Today’s prayer: Father God, every time I start dealing with fear today, please tap me on the shoulder and remind me to look at You. You are my God, and I choose to trust Your love. In the name of Jesus, amen.

May your Tuesday be blessed!



The Peace of His Arms

Isaiah 40:11 (NIV)

He tends his flock like a shepherd:
He gathers the lambs in his arms
and carries them close to his heart;
he gently leads those that have young. 

God carries you close to His heart. You don’t have to run on ahead and take care of things all by yourself—you get to trust your Father and rest in His arms.

Understanding the truth of God’s arms will bring incredible peace to your soul. He is with you and He loves you. He’s helping you and carrying you forward. You are His delight!

Today if you feel weighed down by burdens (worries, concerns, the stress of dealing with people, etc.), take these things to God and let Him carry you in those specific areas.

Today’s prayer: Father God, what does it mean for You to carry me? How are You changing things for me and causing things to work out to my good? Please help me to see the beautiful things You’re doing in my life. In the name of Jesus, amen.

May your Wednesday be blessed!



The Peace of His Laughter

Psalm 2:3–4 (NLT)

“Let us break their chains,” they cry,
“and free ourselves from slavery to God.”

But the one who rules in heaven laughs.
The Lord scoffs at them.

The Lord is not afraid of darkness.

When our enemies (evil spiritual forces that want to destroy God’s people) rise up to attack us, God doesn’t tremble. He sees exactly what’s going on, and He knows how to deal with it.

What enemies are you facing right now? Maybe it’s fear, anxiety, worry, bitterness, unforgiveness, confusion, shame, despair.

The Lord of Heaven is HUGE and all our enemies are SMALL. God is the One who keeps us. He’s the answer. He’s the Savior, and a day is coming when we will laugh at our enemies, too.

Today’s prayer: Lord, please help me to see the enemy the way you see him. Teach me the power of Jesus’ name and how Your light is stronger than any enemy I could ever face. In the name of Jesus, amen.

May your Thursday be blessed!




The Peace of His Timing

Daniel 2:21 (ESV)

He changes times and seasons;
he removes kings and sets up kings;
he gives wisdom to the wise
and knowledge to those who have understanding.

We were made for God. When we get distracted and focus on anything else—our desire for a spouse, a job, a baby, etc.—we start to lose our peace.

The desire should never be put on a higher shelf in our hearts than the One who gave us the desire. When He is the King of our hearts, we’re able to live in the world the way He intended, and His great peace fills our souls.

What are you waiting for, and have you been waiting a really long time?

God has perfect timing in your life. Trust Him with all your heart, and allow Him to be God in the area of clocks and calendars. He knows what He’s doing, and the story He’s telling with your life is amazing!

Today’s prayer: Father God, today I am placing this specific desire of my heart in Your hands: ________. Please help me to make the most of this waiting period, to recognize when the wait is over, and to act boldly when it’s time to do so. In the name of Jesus, amen.

May your Friday be blessed!




The Peace of His Smile

Numbers 6:25–26 (ERV)

May the Lord smile down on you
and show you his kindness.
May the Lord answer your prayers
and give you peace.

Do you feel like God is a Father who smiles? Or is your first reaction to think He seems a bit “colder” than that?

If there’s any area in your heart where you feel like God frowns more than He smiles, you MIGHT want to figure out what’s actually real.

Take some time and sit down with Him. Grab your Bible and a journal, and ask Him what He really thinks of you. Is He a God who smiles because of you?

As humans, it’s very easy to turn relationship with God into something with rules and standards we must reach in order to “pass the test” of Heaven. But that isn’t your loving Father’s heart.

When you’re able just to rest with Him in His love, you will find great peace.

Today’s prayer: Father, in those areas where I’m struggling, please come and meet me. Shine Your light brightly inside me, and help me to clearly see how much You love me. In the name of Jesus, amen.

May your Saturday be blessed!




The Peace of His Heart

Song of Songs 4:7 (GW)

You are beautiful in every way, my true love.
There is no blemish on you.

Many of us have no idea how much God really cares for us. If we could see His love, we would be stunned. “It’s like THAT? He loves me LIKE THAT?”

If His love were something material that we could touch with our hands, it wouldn’t be a shallow puddle in a dark alley somewhere—it would be an ocean full of the best secrets and the deepest mysteries, and all of it would be for us.

Take a “risk” with God’s love today. Dare to believe He really means it when He whispers, “I love you,” to your heart. The next time you read an I-love-you verse in Scripture, assume it’s for you—because it is!

Be bold in your trust of His great love, and you will find peace for your heart.

Today’s prayer: My Father, I want to get to know Your love for me. Please open my heart to receive it. In the name of Jesus, amen.

May your Sunday be blessed!


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For more information on sex, marriage, and finding the person who is right for you, get a copy of Becoming the One by Salomé Roat. Click here to learn more.

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