Have a FEARLESS Christmas!


Fear isn’t always obvious. In fact, recognizing fear can take the Holy Spirit’s help. There are times when we’re acting in fear and don’t even realize it, because it seems like the problem is something else.

Relationships are intensely personal, and they have a way of highlighting our fears. Whatever we’re afraid of—that we aren’t good enough, that our partner might leave us, that we’re going to ruin everything—will eventually come to the surface. In the areas where fear lives, we need to find healing.

This Christmas at BTO, we’re asking God to do such a work in your heart that any fears you struggle with will be turned into worship. May you have a truly fearless Christmas, where you’re able to step boldly into the awesome plans God has for you.

Here are three Bible-based prayers to help you take your fears to God:

1. Father, Your Word repeatedly says You’re with me and will never leave me. When that doesn’t feel like it’s true, I choose to believe You anyway. Today I wait for You to strengthen me and help me. I cling to Your hand and know You will lead me gently forward in love. Please show me how to deal with this specific fear today _______________. I give You this fear in Jesus’ name.

So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (Isa. 41:10 NIV)

Fear doesn’t tell the truth, so we can’t rely on it to lead us. In moments of trembling, what we need is the anchor of God’s Word. On rough seas His Word keeps us from drifting away in the storm and gives us something steady and unshakeable to hang on to.

Where in your life have you been dealing with fear? Ask God to show you what the truth is.

2. Father, I am TIRED of being afraid! Please teach me how to be fearless. Fill me with Your boldness and courage, and help me to believe Your Word in the areas that have been hard for me.

Anxiety weighs down the heart,
but a kind word cheers it up. (Prov. 12:25)

What we need in times of high anxiety is a kind word that can help us stay connected to the truth.

Perhaps this word is found in Scripture—a verse or even just a phrase that can help us pull out from under the burden of anxiety and turn our gaze to Jesus. This word can also come from a person who knows us and can say, “You don’t actually need to worry about this. Jesus will help you.”

Look up verses about being fearless in an online concordance. Find the verse that speaks to you and hold on to it with both hands.

The next time you’re afraid, remind yourself of what God’s Word says. Speak the verse out loud and declare, “I don’t have to be afraid of this thing anymore! I choose to trust in God and believe what He says.”

3. Father, please come close to me and replace all my fears with Your love. “Perfect me” in Your love. I want to understand Your heart for me so well that fear has no room in my thoughts anymore.

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. (1 John 4:18)

The love of God is bigger than we think. We could devote the rest of our lives to figuring it out, writing it down, trying to describe it—and we would only scratch the surface of who He is and how He loves us.

Julian of Norwich (1342– 1416?) wrote, “God loved us before he made us; and his love has never diminished and never shall.” She also said, “The greatest honor we can give Almighty God is to live gladly because of the knowledge of his love.”

You and I honor God as we choose to believe His love for us. We get to “live gladly” because of it!

Sit down with the Lord in a quiet place, and ask Him to reveal His love to you in a new way.

Here’s our prayer for you this week:

Father God,

With You we have everything we need. You are our Provider and the One who speaks, “Peace!” to the storm. You know how to calm our hearts and reconnect them to Yours, even when we’re struggling. There is so much grace with You. More than we know.

Please meet our readers this week over Christmas and show them how much they’re loved! We ask that their hearts and spiritual ears would be opened to hear Your voice in the areas where they’re dealing with fear. Please give them hope where they feel hopeless.

— The BTO Staff

Before you go!

Rochelle Holben, the director of Elijah House, recently posted the following in an article about Christmas and discouragement:

This time of year, the word believe is everywhere—at the mall, on signs in the neighbor’s yard, on dishtowels and Christmas napkins. As that word wraps around us this season, let’s pause and look at the One who is the hope of our hearts.

Many people like to say, “Jesus is the reason for the season!” That statement is absolutely true—but Jesus is the reason ALL the time, for every season throughout the year. Everything we have is anchored in Him, and everything we go through finds healing and warmth beside His fire.

Whatever season you’re in right now, Jesus is right here with you, leading you deeper into Himself.

What season are YOU in this Christmas? Whatever you’re struggling with today, you aren’t alone. You’ll never be alone. There is hope here, there is life here—there is Jesus.

Interested in more? Check out some of our other declarations:

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