Becoming The One

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How to Make Great Choices in 2020

Photo by Pamela Saunders

Is it easy for you to make decisions? Or do you second-guess yourself and drive yourself nuts trying to decide what you should do? 

Salomé and Leon Roat recently published a short prophetic word about choices in the new year, and we wanted to address that topic this week at BTO. 

[Click here to read their word.]

We’re praying that your heart would be soft and tender toward the Holy Spirit and that the choices you make in 2020 would bring great joy. May you have courage and boldness as you step into the future! 

Here are three Bible-based ideas and prayers to help you feel more at peace with your decision-making in 2020:

1. Listen to God more than other people’s opinions

David was greatly distressed because the men were talking of stoning him; each one was bitter in spirit because of his sons and daughters. But David found strength in the Lord his God. (1 Sam. 30:6)

Pray aloud: Father, when I’m afraid, stressed, or just don’t know what to do, please help me to look to You and find my strength in You. I give You my concern about other people’s thoughts and opinions, and I choose to trust what You’re saying instead. Help me hear Your voice more clearly.

In 1 Samuel 30 David and his men lost their families to an enemy raiding party. David could have jumped up and rushed after his enemies, but first—despite the threat of stoning—he chose to seek the Lord. He listened to the Lord’s guidance and consequently received a promise about what would happen in the future (v. 8). 

God’s voice is the most important voice in our lives. 

The next time you feel pressured to do something, or someone makes a suggestion about what you “should” be doing, go to God and listen for what He’s saying. Don’t be afraid to seek Him first. 

2. Trust the Lord more than your understanding of the situation

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight. (Prov. 3:5–6)

Pray aloud: Father God, I choose to trust You with all my heart. There are many things I don’t understand right now, but I know You’re good and I trust Your care and concern for me. I want what You want for my life. Please help me to lean on You instead of my own understanding. Open my eyes to see what You see.

God sees every person’s story at the same time, and He knows how each one fits in with all the others—and He also knows exactly what He’s doing in each one. 

When we’re dependent upon the world, we can see only so much. But when we’re listening to God and trusting HIS opinion of a person or situation, we can start to see some of the inner workings of the story He’s telling. 

Is there a place in your life where trusting the Lord has been difficult? Take that question, fear, or hope before Him, and ask Him to speak to you about it.

3. Understand how much God desires to lead you 

For I am the Lord your God
who takes hold of your right hand
and says to you, Do not fear;
I will help you. (Isa. 41:13)

Pray aloud: Father, You are more tenderhearted toward me than I actually understand. May my heart recognize Your tenderness at a greater depth, and help me to really experience how much You love me. I acknowledge Your desire to lead me, protect me, and help me grow. I say “yes” to Your desire to show me the way I should take. 

Many of us have a tendency to think we’re alone, but honestly—that’s never true. God is right here with us to take us by the hand and lead us forward. 

“Don’t be afraid,” He says. “I will help you.”

As you make choices in 2020, try not to approach those choices with a mindset that says, “If I mess up, I will lose everything.” Instead, line up your thoughts this way: “God is with me. He is helping me, and I never need to be afraid.”

Here’s our prayer for you this week:

Father God,

Thank You for what You’re doing in the lives of our readers this week. We pray they would be able to see the movements of Your hand and rejoice at its sighting! Where there is confusion, please bring clarity. Where there is anxiety, please fill them with Your peace. Help them look to You when they’re facing tough choices or feel completely overwhelmed. May they become more and more aware of Your presence in their lives and Your desire to lead them forward.

— The BTO Staff

Before you go! 

Kris Vallotton writes:

Sometimes it takes a long time for God to act suddenly. We hear testimonies of God healing people in an instant, but often forget the months or years that they had been praying for that breakthrough. Today’s culture has embraced the instant, and sometimes we forget the importance of persistence and our Biblical mandate to not give up when the going gets tough.

Many of us think that if God is in something, it’ll work out perfectly (sometimes this is an unconscious belief). But I want to remind you that from the foundation of the world there was a plan for Jesus to be born, and yet there was no room in any hotel for Him when Mary went into labor! You would think that for the birth of the Savior of the world there would be a reservation for Him somewhere. My point is that even in promises and long-term plans, there may be challenges or things may not look exactly how we would think!

Today I want to encourage you that if you’re in the waiting, do not give up! Your persistence in hard times actually has a purpose. 

As 2019 rolls over into 2020, choose to draw near the One who loves you. He’s with you in a special way—don’t be afraid to let Him influence your decision-making. 


Interested in more? Check out some of our other prayers and declarations:

For more information on sex, marriage, and finding the person who is right for you, get a copy of Becoming the One by Salomé Roat. Click here to learn more.

You can also order the book in Spanish